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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 07:05



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 05:37

Yoga is a kind of sport. 瑜伽是一种运动。 It is very popular around the world now.它现在在世界上很流行。Everyone, young and old can do yoga.每个人,年轻人和老年人都可以做瑜伽。It's good for both men and women.这是很好的男人和女人。Why do people like yoga? 人们为什么喜欢瑜伽?There's a short answer and a long answer to that question.可以用简短的话来回答,也可以用很多理由来说明这个问题。
The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better.简短的回答是,瑜伽让你感觉更好。 Practicing, breathing exercises and thinking make you healthier in body, mind and spirit.练习,呼吸练习和思维使你身体更健康,心灵更精神。For many people, that's enough of an answer, but there's more if you're interested.对许多人来说,这就足够了一个答案,但有更多的,如果你有兴趣。Yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago.瑜伽开始在印度已经大约5000年的历史。At that time,people wanted to be free, healthy and live a long life ,so this kind of exercise was born .当时,人们渴望自由,健康,长寿,所以这种运动是天生的。The early yoga was part of a religion .早期的瑜伽是一种宗教。It was usually taught one to one-one teacher with one student .它通常被教一对一的老师与学生。Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means "to join or yoke together" 瑜伽是一个梵文,意思是“加入或束缚在一起”altogether:exercise ,breathing and meditation attention to the spirit .总之:运动,呼吸和冥想注意精神。The idea behind the exercise was to join the mind ,body and spirit as one . 它蕴藏的含义是把头脑、身体和精神化为一体。Yoga can give you peace help you feel less stress,and have fewer worries and illnesses.瑜伽可以给你和平,让你感觉不到压力,和较少的焦虑和疾病。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 05:38

额 。。。是高中英语课本的??
Yoga is a kind of sport. 瑜伽是一种运动项目。
It is very popular around the world now.当今它在世界范围内非常流行。
Everyone, young and old can do yoga.男女老少都可以练瑜伽。
It's good for both men and women.它有益于人们的健康
Why do people like yoga?为什么人们这么喜欢瑜伽呢?
There's a short answer and a long answer to that question.可以用简短的话来回答,也可以用很多理由来说明这个问题。
The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better.简而言之,瑜伽就是能使你的身心变得更加健康 。
Practicing, breathing exercises and thinking make you healthier in body, mind and spirit.做瑜伽练习,呼吸练习,冥想,这些都能使你在身体上,心智和精神上更加健康
For many people, that's enough of an answer, but there's more if you're interested.对于大多数人而言,这些原因足以说明练瑜伽的好处,但是如果你对瑜伽感兴趣的话,这还有更多的理由让你练瑜伽。
Yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago. 瑜伽起源于印度,大约是在5000年前。
At that time,people wanted to be free, healthy and live a long life ,so this kind of exercise was born . 当时人们想要获得自由、健康、长寿的生活,因此这项运动应运而生了。
The early yoga was part of a religion . 早起的瑜伽是宗教的一部分。
It was usually taught one to one-one teacher with one student .它通常是由老师与学生一对一地传授。
Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means "to join or yoke together" altogether:exercise ,breathing and meditation attention to the spirit .瑜伽一词是梵语,它的意思是“让我们一起来打坐”:做练习、呼吸、冥想。
The idea behind the exercise was to join the mind ,body and spirit as one . 瑜伽练习隐含的思想是:把个人的心智、身体和精神融为一体。
Yoga can give you peace help you feel less stress,and have fewer worries and illnesses.做瑜伽能帮助你减轻压力,减少担忧与疾病。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 05:38

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