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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 07:13



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 08:19


Skillet - Whispers In The Dark

Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To turn your tears to roses

Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To turn your tears to roses

I will be the one that's gonna hold you
I will be the one that you run to
My love is a burning, consuming fire

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark
No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark

You feel so lonely and ragged
You lay there broken and naked
My love is just waiting
To clothe you in crimson roses

I will be the one that's gonna find you
I will be the one that's gonna guide you
My love is a burning, consuming fire

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark
No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear the whispers in the dark
No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark

Disturbed - Down With The Sickness

(can you feel that?)
(oh, shit)
Drowning deep in my sea of loathing,
Broken, your servant, I kneel
(will you give in to me?)
It seems what's left of my human
side is slowly changing in me
(will you give in to me?)
Looking at my own reflection,
When suddenly it changes,
Violently it changes
Oh, no. There is no turning back now,
you've woken up the demon in me.

Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Open up your hate and let it flow into me.
Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
You motha get up, come on get down
with the sickness!
You *a get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Madness is the gift that has been given to me.

I can see inside you, the sickness is rising,
don't try to deny what you feel.
(will you give in to me?)
It seems that all that was good has
died and is decaying in me.
(will you give in to me?)
It seems you're having some trouble,
in dealing with these changes,
living with these changes.
Oh, no. The world is a scary place
now that you've woken up the demon in me.

Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Open up your hate and let it flow into me.
Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
You motha get up, come on get down
with the sickness!
You *a get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Madness is the gift that has been given to me.

And when I dream,
And when I dream,
And when I dream,

No mommy don't do it again,
don't do it again,
I'll be a good boy
I'll be a good boy, I promise.
No mommy don't hit me,
OW, why did you have to hit
me like that mommy?
Don't do it you're hurting me O-HOW.
Why do you have to be such a bitch.
Why don't you why
don't you * off and die!
Why can't you just * off and die!
Why can't you just leave here and die!
Never stick your hand
in my face again, bitch.
* YOU!!!
I don't need this shit!
You stupid, sadistic, abusive, *ing whore.
Would you like to see how it feels mommy?
Here it comes get ready to DIE!

Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Open up your hate and let it flow into me.
Get up, come on get down with the sickness!
You motha get up, come on get down
with the sickness!
You *a get up, come on get down with the sickness!
Madness has now come over me

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 08:20

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