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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-31 12:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 17:09

We will meet Captain Charles Alison tomorrow morning.He will be at the harbour and he will set out at eight o'clock.We'll all say goodbye to him because he will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.(Lesson 12)

We will meet Captain Charles Alison tomorrow morning.He will be at the harbour and he will set out at eight o'clock.We'll all say goodbye to him because he will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.(Lesson 12)


lesson20:Fishing is the writer's favourite sport. Some unlucky fishermen catch old boots and rubbish,but he's not so lucky.He never catch anying. He's not really interested in fishing,he is only in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!但建议你自己...


My sister will come to England next year. She will get a surprise if she comes. We have a new house in the country. I have invited my sister to stay with us. It is a very modern house. It has got many large romms and a lovely garden.Lesson 24 I had just lost [一...


32课 A detective watched a well-dressed woman in a large store one Monday.She bought a few small articles and she chose an expensive dress.The assistant wrapped it up for her and the woman took it with her.She did not pay for it,so the detective arrested her. The assistant...


Unit 1 Lesson 1 Summary writing The writer went to the theatre last week.He did't enjoy the play.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly.The writer couldn't hear the actors.He turned round.He said he couldn't hear a word.The young ...


2013-12-22 知道答主 回答量:3 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:2万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 其他类似问题2010-01-09 新概念英语第二册摘要写作答案 400 2009-07-24 新概念英语第二册91课摘要写作答案 150 2009-11-06 新概念英语第...


我之前在这里帮别人写到了25课 还有些了些40多课左右的 44 Two men tried to steal Mrs.Sterling’s handbag.she was having a picnic.they take the bag after a struggle and started running through the trees.she run after them and catch up with them.the men sat down and were ...

新概念英语 摘要写作和作文 答案。


新概念英语2 摘要写作(14~18课) 在线等

very nervous about this.I went into his office.He said that business was bad.The firm could not pay such large salaries.Twenty people had left already.He did not ask me to leave as well. He offered me an extra 1000 a year.先来两课,休息一下,打得我手酸死了......

新概念英语2 摘要写作(10~20课) 在线等

Sorry,I can't uderstand you.Can you explain?

新概念英语第二册课后答案摘要写作 新概念英语第二册写作摘要 新概念英语第二册作文答案 新概念英语第二册第五课课文 新概念英语二摘要答案 新概念英语第二册第七课 新概念英语第二册12课课文 新概念英语第二册15课 新概念英语第二册作文
...a+1)...(a+b-1)。如果(x*3)*4=421200,那么x是几? 在下题中添加合适的运算符号和括号,使计算结果正好等于右边的数.3O3... 在下面五个三分之一加上适当的运算符号或括号,使其结果等于九分之二... ...这9个数字中间加上运算符号或括号,结果等于1,请问怎么做_百度... ...适当的运算符号+,-,*,/,和,使结果等于5,至少写出3中算式? serve a sentence on bail的意思 虎石台老市场附近有哪些银行? 食物进口需要哪些清关文件? 想考济南外国语学校(省招)要怎么复习 侉饼的拼音狐侉饼的拼音是什么 stylewriter 怎么用呢 加载在word里了 但是各种没有反应 发出商品填制收付转凭证的什么凭证 扑克牌的游戏规则是什么? 东西南北不分但是记性好可以记得来时的路和回去的路,算不算路痴? 《愿你,归来仍是少年》,无论走多远都能记得来时的路 有首歌里面有句(让风依稀记的来时的路)是什么歌 记得来时路,不忘梦归处 市场上卖的一种鱼丸,便宜但味道可以,香,用的什么料?? 在我们这个年龄优秀作文 作文:在我这个年龄。600字。我15岁初三 九年级学生作文:在我们这个年龄 保护校园环境承诺书 幼儿游戏教案:喊数抱团 跪求!!!一部古风父子年上耽美文!只记得其中的受有一条神奇的藤蔓 后来在一个女人面前* 还用了藤 柳岩的胸是人工的吗 甩乳热舞是怎么回事 小学寄宿制学校办学情况摸底调查报告 关灯游戏的算法... 有关女主叫挽歌的穿越小说,书名好像叫邪王的…… 速求女主很强的小说或是温馨搞笑的小说~~~ 24点游戏的算法和技巧 英语新概念2:第十二课的问题2 handstyle怎么练习 球王贝利是哪个国家的 我想问问h开头的手机有什么牌子 我与祖国共奋进作文800字不要重复的好词好句多一些【我才五年级】 300box那个特洛伊木马到底对电脑有没有危害 300box怎么修复更新版本不一致的问题 三教改革攻坚行动包括哪些 幸福永州,我的家初一作文 继续升学自我鉴定 昆明工商注册:曼德企服与韬工场合作共建创业新生态 我想问问安徽国家级森林公园名单怎么样? 对高三物理一轮复习的几点建议 几大之后,中国改革进入攻坚阶段 西工大录取通知书有4位飞机总师的签名,你喜欢这样的录取通知书吗? 《核心素养导向的课堂教学》导读 穷街乐队的monkey business的歌词翻译 请给个穷街乐队的18life的歌词 非主流颓废伤感英文歌曲 西游记第一二回读后感