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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-20 06:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 05:49

1. The chart shows market performance of a mature car market in America and new soaring market of China. During the period, the annual car sale in the US fluctauates bewteen 8-12 million. From beginning of 1990s but up to 2004, the trend had been a mild increase. However, the annual car sales in China showed steady increase before 2000, and after that point a very steep growth.2. In the US, the force behind car sales is replacement of old cars. The car population has already plateaued. In China before 2000, the houshold earning was mostly used to satisfy needs other than purchase of car. After 2000, the house-hold earnings reached a threshhold for private car purchase. After 2000, private cars started to become popular. The sales in China is driven mainly by new purchase.3. In the US, the car sales dropped considerably after 2006, ring the period of financial crisis. This indicates that the car sales in the US is dominated by marcro economy. While in China, the decrease or even slowdown was not observed, This indicates, that the demand is not elastic. The reasons behind could be the continous improving of incomes, but could also be e to the new affordable houses are increasingly furthe away from workplace, which makes purchase of car a logical and economical choice.4. Sometime about 2007, the annual car sales in China equaled that of America. This is a significant signal for car instries to shift more and more to China from America. The China car sales will continue to increase, considering China has a population nearly five times larger than Amernica. However, in the end, the number of car per capita in China will unlikely to reach the same level as in the US. Because the pressure on energy and infrustaructure will be too much for the country to carry. Despite this, there is considerable growth potential in China before the annual sales level out.5. After 2007, the sales in US dropped faster. But the steep rising curve for China seemed also easy up a little. This could be explained by increasingly jammed traffic in Chinese cities and rising fuel prices start to concern new potential car buyers in China. This negative force will determine in the end how far China car market can go. Certainly the chart indicated that it will not be endless. Perhaps, more energy efficient cars and smaller cars will become the choice in a few years time.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 05:49

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