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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-20 06:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 13:30

Along with economic globalization and world economic integration of the arrival of the era, the development of regional economy has become China's economic development trends. As a regional economic management departments, local governments in the process of regional economic development process have been playing a vital role, competition among local governments to the impact of regional economic development role has become even more highlighted. From China's economic development process, local governments have no power of the competitive energy so powerful that China's economic development is the depth of local governments for economic growth and competition results. How to regulate the development of the regional economic competition among local governments, on the one hand, local governments should give full play to regional economic development to the positive role of the other local governments but also the timely elimination of competition between the negative consequences, and promote coordinated regional economic development, China's regional economic development is the key. This article from the regional economic development in the competition among local governments in line with the realities, combining the characteristics of competition among local governments and regional economic development of the al effect of the local government to regulate competition, improve the efficiency of competition, a healthy and orderly competition Order to promote competition in the local governments in efforts toward regional economic development beneficial to the direction of display.
回答者:yxaaakn - 初入江湖 * 6-1 21:51
Along with economic globalization and world economic integration of the arrival of the era, the development of regional economy has become China's economic development trends. As a regional economic management departments, local governments in the process of regional economic development process have been playing a vital role, competition among local governments to the impact of regional economic development role has become even more highlighted. From China's economic development process, local governments have no power of the competitive energy so powerful that China's economic development is the depth of local governments for economic growth and competition results. How to regulate the development of the regional economic competition among local governments, on the one hand, local governments should give full play to regional economic development to the positive role of the other local governments but also the timely elimination of competition between the negative consequences, and promote coordinated regional economic development, China's regional economic development is the key. This article from the regional economic development in the competition among local governments in line with the realities, combining the characteristics of competition among local governments and regional economic development of the al effect of the local government to regulate competition, improve the efficiency of competition, a healthy and orderly competition Order to promote competition in the local governments in efforts toward regional economic development beneficial to the direction of display.
Add: Thank you, 10! But this is the online translation ah ~ ~ ~! I would like to ask to see there are no English translation of the experts can help ah » Please Please, Huoshaomeimao the ah! !

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 13:30

Along with economic globalization and world economic integration of the arrival of the era, the development of regional economy has become China's economic development trends. As a regional economic management departments, local governments in the process of regional economic development process have been playing a vital role, competition among local governments to the impact of regional economic development role has become even more highlighted. From China's economic development process, local governments have no power of the competitive energy so powerful that China's economic development is the depth of local governments for economic growth and competition results. How to regulate the development of the regional economic competition among local governments, on the one hand, local governments should give full play to regional economic development to the positive role of the other local governments but also the timely elimination of competition between the negative consequences, and promote coordinated regional economic development, China's regional economic development is the key. This article from the regional economic development in the competition among local governments in line with the realities, combining the characteristics of competition among local governments and regional economic development of the al effect of the local government to regulate competition, improve the efficiency of competition, a healthy and orderly competition Order to promote competition in the local governments in efforts toward regional economic development beneficial to the direction of display.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 13:31

Along with economic globalization and world economic integration of the arrival of the era, the development of regional economy has become China's economic development trends. As a regional economic management departments, local governments in the process of regional economic development process have been playing a vital role, competition among local governments to the impact of regional economic development role has become even more highlighted. From China's economic development process, local governments have no power of the competitive energy so powerful that China's economic development is the depth of local governments for economic growth and competition results. How to regulate the development of the regional economic competition among local governments, on the one hand, local governments should give full play to regional economic development to the positive role of the other local governments but also the timely elimination of competition between the negative consequences, and promote coordinated regional economic development, China's regional economic development is the key. This article from the regional economic development in the competition among local governments in line with the realities, combining the characteristics of competition among local governments and regional economic development of the al effect of the local government to regulate competition, improve the efficiency of competition, a healthy and orderly competition Order to promote competition in the local governments in efforts toward regional economic development beneficial to the direction of display.
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