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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-23 11:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 18:57


  Nowadays, artificial intelligence is more and more widespread, it makes our life more convenient, meantime, it also makes some people become anxious, different people have different opinions about it.

  Some people think it is beneficial to our life that makes our life more comfortable and it help mankind to do hard work which reces their quantity of work. It also helps people solve problems and provides lots of service for human .

  But others disagree theopinion, they think artificial intelligence is awful for human, because it may get away from human’s control and ultimately replace mankind status.

  As far as I am concerned, artificial intelligence is a sword, on the one hand, it’s beneficial to our societydevelopment of science, on the other hand, it may replace

  the existence of humanity, so we should reasonably make use of the resource
  How will AI affect our life? Opinions vary from person to person.Some are optimistic about the rapid development of AI and look forward to its more advanced service in more areas. Nevertheless, others hold opposite views, claiming that AI may well be out of our control sooner or later, thus inevitably giving rise to serious problems and disasters. What’s worse, our human beings may be reced to its puppet.

  For my part, I’m in definitely in favor of the advancement of AI. Initially, it’s an accepted fact that nobody can prevent further advances in the future and even fails to put the clock back to an earlier age. Therefore, why not face up to the unimpeded trend for AI?

  Moreover, it’s undeniable that the concern from those who are against the enhancement of AI should be taken into consideration. Hence, it’s advisable for scientists to manipulate where AI to go, ensuring that AI will serve us loyally all the time and more people, rich or poor, could have access to it.

  Eventually, as the famous saying goes, every coin has two sides. Consequently, it doesn’t matter whether AI will have negative influence on us, but it matters a lot that we must make sure it’s positive effects outweigh its negative effects and it is under our control permanently.


1. 对于人工智能的看法英语作文

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4. 人工智能影响生活英语作文范文

5. 人工智能如何影响我们的英语作文

6. 对人工智能的看法英文作文

7. 人工智能怎么影响生活英语作文

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