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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-26 01:18



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 18:34


  Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. (Marie Curie)


  The story of Marie Curie

  She was a poor girl who worked to get money to pay for her lessons. She became the most famous woman scientist of her time. That is the story of Marie Curie’s life She did not mind working and she took little notice of the honours that were given to her in later years. This was the secret of her greatness.

  Marie was born in 1876. her name was Marie Sklodovska then. She lived in Poland where her father was a teacher. Everyone soon saw that Marie had a quick mind.

  Marie’s mother died when her youngest daughter was only ten. From then on, Marie knew that she would have to work hard at her lessons if she wanted to be successful in her life. She studied very hard and won top honours at her school.

  Marie and her older sister, Bronya, dreamed of studying in France at the Sorbonne. Their father, however, did not earn enough money to send them there. It was Marie who thought of a plan: she would teach at home and send her money to Bronya. After her sister finished studying in Paris, she could get work and send Marie the money to study there herself.

  With tears in their eyes the girls parted, and Marie worked very hard for six years to pay for sister’s studies. At last it was Marie’s turn, but by the time she got to France, her sister was married and could not give her much help.

  Again Marie worked. She studied in a small room without heat or light. She lived on bread and tea most of the time, but all she ever thought of was her mathematics and science. This was her would, and above all, she liked her experiments.

  It was in Paris that she met and married Pierre Curie, a young scientist who had already earned respect.

  Together they made their experiments in an old wooden house that was too cold and damp for their health. They knew that some elements in the world gave off a strange power that could go through other objects. They found more of this power in some elements that in others, which made them believe that there must be a new element.

  For four years they tried experiments to separate this powerful new element. Then they found something which they called radium. Its power was very much greater than the power contained in other elements.

  The Curies were given the Nobel Prize for their great discovery, but they were too ill to go to Stockholm themselves to receive it. They used the money for further experiments on the uses of radium. They found it could be used in treating diseases.

  Pierre died suddenly just after he had been offered a good post at the Sorbonne. Marie Curie was given the post. She thus became the first woman ever to teach there. She continued their work and made many more important discoveries. In 1911 she received another Nobel Prize. It is the only time in history that two Nobel Prizes have been given to the same person.

  She always said that it was because of her children that she went on with her work-and in doing so, she discovered a hidden power and gave it to the would. It was this same power, however, that killed Marie Curie in 1934.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 18:34


热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 19:32


  Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. (Marie Curie)


  The story of Marie Curie

  She was a poor girl who worked to get money to pay for her lessons. She became the most famous woman scientist of her time. That is the story of Marie Curie’s life She did not mind working and she took little notice of the honours that were given to her in later years. This was the secret of her greatness.

  Marie was born in 1876. her name was Marie Sklodovska then. She lived in Poland where her father was a teacher. Everyone soon saw that Marie had a quick mind.

  Marie’s mother died when her youngest daughter was only ten. From then on, Marie knew that she would have to work hard at her lessons if she wanted to be successful in her life. She studied very hard and won top honours at her school.

  Marie and her older sister, Bronya, dreamed of studying in France at the Sorbonne. Their father, however, did not earn enough money to send them there. It was Marie who thought of a plan: she would teach at home and send her money to Bronya. After her sister finished studying in Paris, she could get work and send Marie the money to study there herself.

  With tears in their eyes the girls parted, and Marie worked very hard for six years to pay for sister’s studies. At last it was Marie’s turn, but by the time she got to France, her sister was married and could not give her much help.

  Again Marie worked. She studied in a small room without heat or light. She lived on bread and tea most of the time, but all she ever thought of was her mathematics and science. This was her would, and above all, she liked her experiments.

  It was in Paris that she met and married Pierre Curie, a young scientist who had already earned respect.

  Together they made their experiments in an old wooden house that was too cold and damp for their health. They knew that some elements in the world gave off a strange power that could go through other objects. They found more of this power in some elements that in others, which made them believe that there must be a new element.

  For four years they tried experiments to separate this powerful new element. Then they found something which they called radium. Its power was very much greater than the power contained in other elements.

  The Curies were given the Nobel Prize for their great discovery, but they were too ill to go to Stockholm themselves to receive it. They used the money for further experiments on the uses of radium. They found it could be used in treating diseases.

  Pierre died suddenly just after he had been offered a good post at the Sorbonne. Marie Curie was given the post. She thus became the first woman ever to teach there. She continued their work and made many more important discoveries. In 1911 she received another Nobel Prize. It is the only time in history that two Nobel Prizes have been given to the same person.

  She always said that it was because of her children that she went on with her work-and in doing so, she discovered a hidden power and gave it to the would. It was this same power, however, that killed Marie Curie in 1934.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 19:32

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