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高分悬赏:汉译英 翻译!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-09 17:47



热心网友 时间:2023-11-20 23:10

Javelin, as a track and field events, is a more complex multi-axis of rotation project, full name should be: javelin throw (English: javelin, javelin throw). Javelin throw with a long history. In ancient times, people will use a similar apparatus javelin to go hunting wild animals as a weapon, and later became a weapon of war. We can call it: and spears. Javelin throw, as the ancient Olympic Games, an official event in 708 BC, the 18th session of the ancient Olympic Games, but also belong to the ancient "five competitive" one.
Javelin technological development of modern trends are: first, improve the run-up speed of greater momentum, that is, men run-up speeds of up to 9 meters, seconds, and women to reach 7-7.5 m / sec. Second, increase the distance from the final force, rece force time to dart shot out with the greatest speed.
Javelin throw techniques include the complete gun, including grip, the run, the final push as hard, dart flights and buffer five parts. Run-up also includes the pre-run section and throwing further paragraphs in two parts. "Cross-step" that is the penultimate step, it plays an important role in the full technology. Cross step is to throw the right step techniques to achieve the guarantee, only the rhythm is reasonable, in order to make the correct throw-step techniques to perfect embodiment in order to further reflect the characteristics of throwing speed step technology. Constitute the main rhythm of throwing step and step length, time-related, they directly affect the run-up when the trunk and upper body movements and the final results.
Cross-step the primary role and mission is to tread through the legs of the active penlum movement, so that quickly overtook the upper and lower extremity hip, so stay in the javelin, and throwing arm behind the body to form the appropriate angle of inclination, which aims to go beyond the formation of throwing a good pre - equipment movements to the muscles involved in throwing a priori to be longer than usual, throwing for the final fully prepared to do. That is, to improve run-up speed, greater kinetic energy.
Javelin throw well beyond the equipment refers to the run-up to a later stage, the body (especially lower limb) to a faster pace forward, catch-up to dart in front, make the waist even more tightly twisted, so that the body falls behind the javelin to form a lower limb in the former upper body posture in the post-tilt. Finally, when the entire force advances an important part of the javelin throw to complete this phase of the technical movement, as far as possible the use of a longer distance of the final work force. From the equation: Ft = mv (F, said forces, t the time, said force, m said that the quality javelin, v said the shot speed), force F can be seen in certain circumstances,
F acting on the time t on the javelin longer, that is, the greater working distance and equipment acquired greater momentum mv; Device Quality m is fixed, then the greater the velocity v. To obtain a long working distance and can only strive to go beyond the right equipment.
At present, China Excellent javelin thrower lower limb segment placed before the positive tread in the poor backward angle variations of the trunk is small, the level of Pull angle fluctuations, lead to physical decline in the focus of the horizontal velocity, cross-step and go beyond the combination of devices is not ideal, beyond the equipment is not sufficient. With foreign athletes, there is a certain gap between China's athletes in this area of technology have to be improved.
Javelin therefore, cross-step and beyond the equipment to connect the study has very important significance.
Keywords: cross-step; beyond the device; Connection
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