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有一个英文歌 女生唱的 中间有说唱

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-09 17:37



热心网友 时间:2023-11-20 20:50

Just Stand Up - Artists Stand Up To Cancer
Everything will be alright again
Alright again, alright again

The heart is stronger than you think
Like it could go through anything
And even when you think it can't
It finds a way to still push on though
Sometimes you want to run away
Ain't got the patience for the pain
And if you don't believe it look into your heart
The beat goes on
I'm telling you
Things get better
If you fall,
Dust it off,
Don't let up
Don't you know you can go be your own miracle
You need to know!
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up

Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don't give up, through it all, just stand up
Ooh, it's like we all had better days
Problems getting all up in your face
Just because you go through it
Don't mean it got to take control, no oh oh
You ain't got to find no hiding place
Because the heart can beat the hate
Don't want to let the mind keep playing you
And saying you can't go on
I'm telling you
Things get better
If you fall
Dust if off
Don't let up
Don't you know
You can go
Be your own
You need to know!
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don't give up, through it all, just stand up
Through it all, just stand up
You don't got to be a prisoner in your mind
If you fall, st it off
You can live your life
Let your heart be your guide
Yeah yeah yeah
You will know there's a good if you trust the good
Everything will be alright, yeah
Light up the dark, if you follow your heart
And it will get better
Through whatever
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don't give up, through it all, just stand up
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up

Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don't give up, through it all, just stand up
You got it in you, find it within
You got it in you, find it within yeah
You got it in you, find it within
You got it in you, find it within yeah
You got it in you, find it within
You got it in you, find it within yeah
Find it within you, find it within
Through it all, just stand up

热心网友 时间:2023-11-20 20:50

Just Stand Up - Artists Stand Up To Cancer
Everything will be alright again
Alright again, alright again

The heart is stronger than you think
Like it could go through anything
And even when you think it can't
It finds a way to still push on though
Sometimes you want to run away
Ain't got the patience for the pain
And if you don't believe it look into your heart
The beat goes on
I'm telling you
Things get better
If you fall,
Dust it off,
Don't let up
Don't you know you can go be your own miracle
You need to know!
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up

Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don't give up, through it all, just stand up
Ooh, it's like we all had better days
Problems getting all up in your face
Just because you go through it
Don't mean it got to take control, no oh oh
You ain't got to find no hiding place
Because the heart can beat the hate
Don't want to let the mind keep playing you
And saying you can't go on
I'm telling you
Things get better
If you fall
Dust if off
Don't let up
Don't you know
You can go
Be your own
You need to know!
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don't give up, through it all, just stand up
Through it all, just stand up
You don't got to be a prisoner in your mind
If you fall, st it off
You can live your life
Let your heart be your guide
Yeah yeah yeah
You will know there's a good if you trust the good
Everything will be alright, yeah
Light up the dark, if you follow your heart
And it will get better
Through whatever
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up
Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don't give up, through it all, just stand up
If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough
But the heart keeps telling you don't give up

Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what?
Don't give up, through it all, just stand up
You got it in you, find it within
You got it in you, find it within yeah
You got it in you, find it within
You got it in you, find it within yeah
You got it in you, find it within
You got it in you, find it within yeah
Find it within you, find it within
Through it all, just stand up
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