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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 08:54



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 16:21

1) agenda management system (Java)
The main objective: This is the object-oriented methods and the development of the Java language based on a command-line interactive agenda management system
Description: object-oriented methods and the development of a Java language-based command-line interactive agenda of the management system. Registered users of the system can be added to (add), to remove (delete), query (query) system records the session (meeting) arrangements; system also provides a new user registration (register), clear (clear) all of a user session Management arrangements.
& Solve the problem: It should be noted that a clear division level; the right type of design and type of operation in the interface; use to achieve polymorphism proceres, proceres to improve the scalability and reusability. As well as the database connection in a time when attention
Harvest: Eclipse developed the first system to obtain valuable experience in development, but also enhance their confidence in the
 2) on-line testing system (Java)
The main objective: the object-oriented methods and the development of the Java language-based interactive GUI, to support the target of persistent on-line test system
Description: The system maintains a databank of examination questions (ItemLibrary), OLTS start, random questions from the library to take (pickup) a test, the test will be displayed on a rolling screen for users to visit the region (browse), and allows users to In the GUI interface to answer questions submitted (submit) the answer (answer), and then automatically mark (correct) answer to the user whether or not the standard answer (standardAnswer) the same; so the cycle until the user opt-out system. From the system, users can view their own at any time the cumulative results of the test (score).
Harvest: The use of O / R design experience, and the correct use of JDBC to the realization of the right of the program; gained experience in the preparation of a larger program (the program has more than 6000 lines).
3) "IPTV" the newspaper digital television project (Friends of the regular teacher's project)
The main task: "IPTV" digital TV newspaper, refers to the TV to see through the latest news, the paper of the newspaper on television for people in the election, many of which can be for people to choose.
Platform: PHP as well as the C language, JSP, and so on to complete the development of
My ty: PHP, C preparation of the layout and the layout is responsible for the television screen showed the correct
& Solve the problem: the preparation of a good layout on the computer monitor can display the correct, but after the set-top box through the TV screen but in no way, through the constant correction coding, as well as on the optimization of the final success.
4) IIPS project
The main objective: IIPS project, called the Intelligent Item Pool System, this project is based on the use of the MVC's Java Web technology features intelligent system that can help teachers based on difficulty of the subject, additional time, the proportion of questions, such as automatic as well as to allow Students online and answer questions readjustment and dynamic marking.
Development platform: NetBeans IDE6.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000
My ties: group management mole design
Harvest: the practice of learning a language based on Java application Browser / Server (B / S) structure of the system to further enhance my ability and the team's ability to train at the same time I do a strong interest in the project.
5) "National Natural Science Foundation of China - Guangdong Provincial People's Government of the Joint Natural Science Fund projects 2009 annual guide to" write the
The main objective: in 2006, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the National Foundation jointly funded the establishment of the Joint Natural Science Fund (hereinafter referred to as the "Joint Fund"), each year a total of 50,000,000 yuan, the Guangdong provincial government invested 35,000,000 yuan each year, the National Natural Science Foundation-funded 15,000,000 yuan each year. The fund set up to attract and unite the country and the best scientists in Guangdong, the Guangdong region to address key economic, social, science and technology for the future development of major scientific issues and the key technical issues.
My ties: The main members of the Working Group
Harvest: familiar with the Guangdong Province in the next few years to fund investment in key areas, as well as enhance their ability to find information.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 16:21

开封跑滴滴需要什么手续 郑州的滴滴打车可以在开封好吗 集团管控有哪几种模式 集团管控五种模式 集团管控模式集团管控模式选择的主要影响因素 win10桌面图标间距变大了怎么调整 win10桌面图标间距变大了调整方法 南宁什么路有民生银行 南宁民生银行保安第一个月工资多少?? 如果电池在综合测试时,电压原本是3.7伏标准,但是一测试那个电压立马 保护板的线结对但是用检测板测试为什么检测灯不亮反插反而亮为什么? 粉丝只有400,请问如何开通闲鱼玩家? 十万火急!跪求一个学生成绩与奖学金评定系统的C++程序!邮箱:rainbowboyone@163.com.绝对加分! 闲鱼奢侈品玩家什么意思 c语言读文本,文本是关于学生成绩的结构体,然后读入另一个文件并且按照总分输出 由命令行输入一个成绩,使用switch结构求出成绩的等级.a:90~100;b:80~89;c: 用C语言程序编辑对于一次考试成绩进行统计,考M科,有N人(如10人)参加,并求平均值。 为什么闲鱼能发200个宝贝 c语言 基于命令行的简单数据库系统 求高手,帮忙C语言课设简单学生成绩统计软件,事后必定重谢!!!谢谢! 申请闲鱼玩家? 急求一个C++程序,请高手帮帮忙 开通闲鱼玩家需要10万粉丝,为什么有的几百粉丝也能过? 1.学生综合成绩统计工具 (用c语言编写) ·java学生成绩统计 成绩从命令行输入,数量不限 保存在数组中 按成绩降序排序 求平均成绩 打印输出 java题 学生成绩统计 成绩从命令行输入,数量不限 保存在数组中 按成绩降序排序 求平均成绩 打印输出 急求JAVA课设(学生成绩管理信息系统)高手请进!! 闲鱼玩家可信吗? 帮我用JAVA编程~学生成绩统计 要求1成绩从命令行输出,数量不限2保存到数组中3降序排列4求平均 用c++编写学生管理系统 闲鱼怎么提高流量,增加曝光率 甜脆柿子的功效与禁忌 脆柿子有什么功效? 市面上那种甜脆柿子有营养吗? 甜柿子优缺点对比?种植甜柿子有哪些注意事项 什么品种的柿子甜? 如何揽出又脆又甜的柿子 如何揽出又脆又甜的柿子 有鸡鸭鹅共24只,鸡是鹅的4倍,鸭是鹅的2倍,鸡鸭鹅各多少只? 有鸡鸭鹅一共59只,鸡的只数比鸭2倍少3只,鹅的只数是鸭的4倍多6只,鸡鸭鹅各有多少只? 鸡鸭鹅属于鸟类吗? 有鸡鸭鹅.鸡的只数占总数的百分之45,鸭和鹅只数的比是5比6,鸭比鸡少240只.鸡鸭鹅各有多少只 养殖场有鸡鸭鹅三种家禽共3200只 有鸡鸭鹅各一只,共九千克,鸡和鸭共重五千克。鸭和鹅共重七千克,鸡鸭鹅各重多 有鸡鸭鹅共90只,其中鸡比鸭多5只,鸭比鹅多5只,问鸡鸭鹅个多少只 鸡鸭鹅都有一对翅膀但为什么不会飞? 奶奶家养有鸡鸭鹅三种动物其中鸡和鸭一共有五只鸭和鹅一共有六只鸡和鹅一共有? 家里有鸡鸭鹅有1000只,鸡鸭是700只,有鸭鹅650只,问有多少只鸭鹅? 鸡鸭鹅童话故事300字 我们这里的常见家禽有鸡鸭鹅,还有一种叫teng或念tun。一种像鸭子但比鸭子大的家禽,请问是什么? 农场里有鸡鸭鹅共3200只,鸡是鸭的3倍,鹅是鸡的2信卡,那么鸡鸭鹅各有多少只