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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-25 23:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 23:26



  The sun, round the horizon, gives off a dazzling light, which makes the eyes ache. After a while, just still round the sun, like a bite to a piece of, slowly, the smaller the sun become more and more, and is wrapped in the orange color, not the dazzling light. I was surprised and asked, "strange, the sun should be all shining. Why is that missing?" "Because the moon, the sun and the earth is very accurate in a straight line, blocking the sun's light onto the moon, so there will be a solar eclipse! The eclipse including total solar eclipse and a partial solar eclipse, this is a rare spectacle!" Mother said, "in ancient times people call" eclipse "the dog eat the sun, and think that it is inauspicious, because without the sun, humans could not survive, so all kinds of ceremony, beg god down, let the earth be again sun." Listen to my mother's introction, I think the world is wonderful!


  The summer valley is peaceful. Villages, fields, hills, and in a morning or evening is like a picture of a serene three-dimensional landscape, I am a do not affect a small corner of the screen clean, house is empty and dark grey. The pace of the pedestrians, the wandering wind, the leaping line, the light that permeates the old house is mixed in, everything is just right. The sun is not shining, the st is settled.

  It is wonderful to hear cicadas in summer. On a hot afternoon, a cup of tea, a cigarette, lying in the house at the back of the big pagoda tree in the shade, bathed in the wind, listening to the village near the thousands of cicadas. It was a dreamy state, a feeling of isolation, a sense of isolation. The cicadas begin again, the memories of my childhood come back, the laughter of the friends, the birds in the trees, the fragrance of the garden... My former colleague asked me what I would do for the holiday. I said I would stay in the valley to hear cicadas. They don't understand. In fact, take time to give oneself, take a piece of pure land, the fatigue that discharge oneself, seek a kind of a kind of hermit taste, very beautiful!

  Summer night, difficult to sleep, put a slice of the night to see moon, mountainous area is not the hustle and bustle of the cities and the rest of the world in the neon lights, only the moon is so shallow hanging in the trees, water-like moonlight, mottled shadows. The moon is hazy, and the mountains are hazy. A piece of moonlight quietly flows in my face, touch with my hand, soft, like a dream


  In the summer of the valley, in the summer, the fragrance of the flowers and flowers of the summer wind is filled with the small mountain gullies, which are pleasing to the mind. Michelia! White gauze, quietly elegant plain, open silently, make the mountain gullies of summer permeate the fragrance of white orchid. These pure floret, do not make public, not dazzling, also the woman that wears white orchid in the mountain ditch, not so enchanting, also is not so enchanting and rich. However, this simple simplicity is so pure and elegant and otherworldly, just like the rest of the world after the prosperous fall.

  One evening, unable to resist the temptation of the charge, he went to the lotus pond behind the school by himself. Very faint fragrant lotus attacks, green lotus leaves, such as plate, graceful lotus as a faint pink, and behind the hills, just like a pure and fresh quietly elegant of watercolor painting. I stand by the lotus pond, as if to see you, in a small boat, full of incense, the left foot of a thousand years, the right foot of a hundred, shanshan to come...

  A good weather, north about took to the hills, and find a shady, leaning against the tree, open the old paint, careless daub is lonely. In this quiet summer day, enjoy the peaceful ease. If a few spring and autumn, yellow like this painting the hot sun, painting with fallen leaves, painting snowy hills, painting diffuse across mountain azalea, accidentally painting a cold and beautiful you are

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