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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 08:27



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 09:22

Now tortoise general Brazilian tortoise at the city, say, should name Brazil Thebes of red ear tortoise accurate, because there is a red stripe nearby of auditory canal, and gained the name in conformity with this. They actually have nothing to do with Brazil, classify it in reptile's key link, tortoise's soft-shelled turtle's eye, pool tortoise's family. Introced the pet by America first, this tortoise kind is most common and tortoise kind apt to buy, introce domestic Brazilian 4 about Brazil the young in tortoise, say one color abundant, disposition lively, vitality so dogged that suitable for tortoise kind to make pet very extremely objectively. Brazilian tortoise's height grows quickly, the height can get 10 centimetres long 2 years later. Having read relevant articles, it is known that the Brazilian tortoise is the outside species, easier to feed. Know its injury to the local species too, this is undeniable. But in line with the attitude of responsible for lifing, I can not bear to give up them, in any case, this is not their fault.

The tortoise belongs to half a aquatic, half terrestrial reptile. The tortoise is a miscellaneous feeding habits animal, with insect, worm, small fish, shrimp, spiral shell, clam, tender leaf, ckweed, melon skin, wheat, corn, weeds as the food seed,etc. of plant of animal It is strong to able to bear hungry ability, it is unlikely to die of hunger too not to eat for several months. The tortoise is a poikilothermal animal. When the water temperature is lowered to below 10 ℃, poach the submarine silt or have the hibernating when loosens the soil of the covering quietly. How long on earth tortoise's life-span is, there is not a final conclusion yet at present, generally say that can live for 100 years, according to about criticizing the above for 300 years of a text, some pass millennium even. The folk adage is said: The cuckold of millennium, the tortoise for ten thousand years!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 09:23

Now the more common turtles City Ba Xigui, should be called Ba Xixi precise than the red-eared slider, as in listening Road near the red stripe, and this should be the name. In fact, they had nothing to do with Brazil, classification in the reptile program, Guibie Head, Ze turtles Branch. First introced by the Inter-American pets, the turtle species is the most common and easy to buy the turtle species, the introction of the domestic Ba Xigui are about four centimeters of Brazil larvae, objective sense is a rich color, temperament and lively, very tenacious vitality Very suitable for doing pet turtle species. Ba Xigui grow rapidly in length, 2 years after the height can grow to 10 cm. Reading the relevant articles, Ba Xigui is aware of alien species, but also relatively easy feeding. It also know the harm native species, it is undeniable. But in a responsible attitude to life, I still do not bear to discard them, in any case, this is not their fault.

Turtle is a semi-aquatic and terrestrial half of the reptiles. Turtle is Omnivorous animals, animal to the insects, worms, fish, shrimp, snail, mussels, the plant's leaves, ckweed, Guapi, Granule, rice, weed seeds for food. Hunger and strong resistance, not drinking a few months will not starve to death. Turtle for Bianwendongwu. The water temperature dropped to below 10 ℃, Jingwo the bottom mud or cover the tillage in hibernation. Just how long the turtle life, can not be determined, the general stresses can live 100 years, according to the relevant research has more than 300 years, or even the millennium. As the saying goes: Millennium Wang Ba Wannian the turtles!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 09:23

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