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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 09:26



热心网友 时间:2023-07-06 13:19

Li Xiaopeng then used to ensure the gold medal of "specialty skills", then what is it » "Tough, there is no doubt that," Xing Wei proud to � said, "Although we may not be able to see this time and he named a new tough action, but also some reason to abandon participate in the vault competition, but Xiao-Peng In the parallel bars on the advantages of the project or very obvious. "Proud Xing Wei also said that apart from Li Xiaopeng and Yang Wei of these two indivial gold medals, the Chinese gymnastics team another relative grasp the larger"-the point "is to men, but the forecast gymnastics The Olympic team medal total, Xing Wei proud of it actually started modestly: "We have 06 world championships, took eight gold medals, five of 07, so I believe that this time the gymnastics team to be completed at least three gold 'At the end of the �'. "

Chinese gymnastics team after the last Olympic Games, "Waterloo" has been fully restored, now will have as many as 10 items impact of the strength of the gold medal, also can serve as a "dream team." "The media that is not what 'stand � Yaoteng," Xing Wei Pielepiezui proud, "the pressure of combat arena often than imagine ah!"

热心网友 时间:2023-07-06 13:19

Women's Synchronised 3m Springboard
Gymnastics Artistic Men's Team
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