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Carrie的《Molly》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-17 20:33



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 20:01

专辑:Fear Of Sound

Molly Ban
主唱 \ Alison Krauss
come all ye young fellas
that handle a gun
beware of night rambling
by the setting of the sun
and beware of an accident
that happened of late
to young molly ban
and sad was her fate
she was going to her uncles
when a shower came on
she went under a green bush
the shower to shun
her white apron wrapped around her
he took her for a swan
but a hush and sigh
was his own molly ban
he quickly ran to her
and found she was dead
and there on her bosom
where he soaked, tears he shed
he ran home to his father
with his gun in his hand
saying "father dear father
i have shot molly ban"
her white apron wrapped around her
he took her for a swan
but a hush and a sigh
'twas his own molly ban
he roamed near the place
where his true love was slain
he wept bitter tears
but his cries were in vain
as he look on the lake
a swan glided by
and the sun slowly sank
in the gray up sky

Carrie的《Molly》 歌词

he quickly ran to her and found she was dead and there on her bosom where he soaked, tears he shed he ran home to his father with his gun in his hand saying "father dear father i have shot molly ban"her white apron wrapped around her he took her for a swan but a hus...


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