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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 04:25



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:30

The development of information technology has graally broken the enterprising and instrial developing boundaries, which enables different instries to develop together and participate together in any single business transaction activity, and become part of a business value chain. The growth of a business value does no longer simply depend on their own or any of their counterparties, but depends on the coordinations between indivials or corporate in different segments of the business value, as well as their efforts, to achieve the win-win situation on various aspects. In activities such as the mobile e-commerce transaction, the participants including corporate, indivials, various service organisations (banks, consulting firms, logistics companies, etc.), mobile network operators, content providers, mobile terminal manufacturers, etc. They together constitute a mobile e-commerce value chain.

Mobile e-commerce value chain enables different types of enterprises to break instrial boundaries, enables instries, which are in the same value chain, to maintain strategic cooperative relationship rather than a simple buyer-seller relationship. Competition between enterprises is no longer a competition between themselves, but a competition between the value chain to which those enterprise belong. The eco-system which is based on value chain must rely on the information management systems in order to ultimately form a virtuous cycle, which brings together integrated information flow, capital flow and logistics, suppliers, manufacturers, collaboration manufacturers, distributors, and customers into the resource of management and renders business processes more closely integrated, thereby improving the promptness of responsive capability to the users.

Mobile e-commerce value chain is consisted of the mobile network operator, proct and service providers, mobile terminal manufacturers, financial institutions (Gross Settlement System), third-party logistics, etc.. The various parties that belong to the value chain interact and mutually constrainedly provide services and procts through mobile e-commerce application platform which is offered by the mobile network operators and ultimately contributes to the completion of all types of business transaction activities. As the party that provide information on trading platform, Mobile network operators keeps close interactions with other parties, so as to naturally become the core of the value chain. It plays a crucial role in organizing and coordinating all parts of the mobile e-commerce value chain to achieve positive interaction among them, rendering the transaction processes of mobile e-commerce convenient, fast, and safe.

Payment link
just like the logistics in e-commerce, the capital flow is the part, which cannot be omitted, to truly display the business characteristics of mobile e-commerce. We can not rely on mobile network operators, whose businesses are already waning in C2C and B2C market, to successfully solve mobile payment problems. Therefore, the participation of the payment of traditional financial institutions and of third-party are keys to solve the bottleneck of mobile e-commerce transaction problems.

As we already know in the analysis of mobile e-commerce value chain analysis that we described above, the mobile network operators are the core of the mobile e-commerce value chain, providing accessible platform for the whole transaction and providing the opportunity to participate in business activities for traditional manufacturers, consumers, and the third-party which are service providers. Therefore, mobile network operators have several impacts on the mobile e-commerce value chain: (1) providing fast, secure wireless networks; (2) facilitating the cooperation of participants within the value chain to achieve win-win situation; (3) strengthening the development and the promotion of the applications of mobile business.

当回好人,花了我好长时间的,下回要自己弄呀.里面几乎没有语法错误, 整体句式都很英语化,绝对不是中式英语的,不像楼上那位是从翻译网站弄得,不给我分得话就太冤枉了.
因英文表达方式不同, 物流的地位与资金流不成对比,故舍去"的地位".

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:30

The graal development of information technology to break the enterprise, instry boundaries, so that integration of the development of different instries together to participate in the activities of a business transaction to become part of enterprise value chain. The value of the business growth is no longer simply depend on their own or a party, but required in different segments of the value chain of businesses or indivials coordinate efforts to achieve the multi-win-win situation. Events in the mobile e-commerce transactions, the participation in the transaction have businesses, indivials, various service organizations (banks, consulting firms, logistics companies, etc.), mobile network operators, content providers, mobile terminal manufacturers, etc. Together, they constitute a mobile e-commerce value chain.

Mobile e-commerce value chain so that the different types of enterprises and instry to break the boundaries, so that a value chain with the Department of enterprises should be maintained between the strategic cooperation relationship, not just a simple buyer-seller relationship. Competition among enterprises is no longer a competition between enterprises monomer, but an enterprise in which competition between the value chain. Value chain-based eco-system must be through the use of information management systems in order to ultimately form a virtuous circle, integrated information flow, capital flow and logistics, suppliers, manufacturers, collaboration manufacturers, distributors, customers are fully integrated into the management of resources to make business processes more closely integrated with, and then improve on the user's rapid response capability.

Mobile e-commerce value chain, from the mobile network operator, proct and service providers, mobile terminal manufacturers, financial institutions (Gross Settlement System), third-party logistics, etc.. Value chain of the parties to the adoption of mobile network operators to provide mobile e-commerce application platform of interconnected and mutually constraining delivery of services and procts, and ultimately contributed to the activities of all types of business transactions to complete. Mobile network operators to provide information as a trading platform for the party, with the parties to the transaction are closely linked, naturally become the core of the value chain. Realize its mobile e-commerce convenient, fast, secure transaction process plays realize organize and coordinate the value chain in every link of the crucial role of positive interaction.

Paid links

As a logistics position in e-commerce, the capital flow is also true characteristics of mobile e-commerce can not be part of the missing. In order to make mobile payment solution to the problem, only to rely on mobile network operators are not enough, its "mobile payment" business in C2C, B2C market has appeared to be inadequate. Therefore, traditional financial institutions and the participation of third-party payments are paid to solve the bottleneck of mobile e-commerce inevitable choice.

In the mobile e-commerce value chain analysis, we already know, mobile network operators of mobile e-commerce are the core of the value chain, in order to realize the whole transaction to provide a platform for the traditional manufacturers and consumers outside the third-party service providers the opportunity to participate in business activities. Therefore, in the mobile e-commerce value chain of mobile network operators play a role in the following: (1) provides fast, secure wireless networks; (2) the promotion of value chain participants in cooperation, win-win; (3) strengthening of mobile business applications development and promotion.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:31

The graal development of information technology to break the enterprise, instry boundaries, so that integration of the development of different instries together to participate in the activities of a business transaction to become part of enterprise value chain. The value of the business growth is no longer simply depend on their own or a party, but required in different segments of the value chain of businesses or indivials coordinate efforts to achieve the multi-win-win situation. Events in the mobile e-commerce transactions, the participation in the transaction have businesses, indivials, various service organizations (banks, consulting firms, logistics companies, etc.), mobile network operators, content providers, mobile terminal manufacturers, etc. Together, they constitute a mobile e-commerce value chain.

Mobile e-commerce value chain so that the different types of enterprises and instry to break the boundaries, so that a value chain with the Department of enterprises should be maintained between the strategic cooperation relationship, not just a simple buyer-seller relationship. Competition among enterprises is no longer a competition between enterprises monomer, but an enterprise in which competition between the value chain. Value chain-based eco-system must be through the use of information management systems in order to ultimately form a virtuous circle, integrated information flow, capital flow and logistics, suppliers, manufacturers, collaboration manufacturers, distributors, customers are fully integrated into the management of resources to make business processes more closely integrated with, and then improve on the user's rapid response capability.

Paid links
As a logistics position in e-commerce, the capital flow is also true characteristics of mobile e-commerce can not be part of the missing. In order to make mobile payment solution to the problem, only to rely on mobile network operators are not enough, its "mobile payment" business in C2C, B2C market has appeared to be inadequate. Therefore, traditional financial institutions and the participation of third-party payments are paid to solve the bottleneck of mobile e-commerce inevitable choice.

In the mobile e-commerce value chain analysis, we already know, mobile network operators of mobile e-commerce are the core of the value chain, in order to realize the whole transaction to provide a platform for the traditional manufacturers and consumers outside the third-party service providers the opportunity to participate in business activities. Therefore, in the mobile e-commerce value chain of mobile network operators play a role in the following: (1) provides fast, secure wireless networks; (2) the promotion of value chain participants in cooperation, win-win; (3) strengthening of mobile business applications development and promotion.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:31

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