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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-09 16:37



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 22:45



  1. According to the statistics provided …

  2. According to a latest study, it can be predicted…

  3. There is no sufficient evidence to show that…

  4. All available evidence points to the fact that…

  5. Examples given leads me to conclude that…

  6. It reveals the unquestionable fact that…

  7. The idea may be proved by facts…

  8. All the fact s suggest that…

  9. No one can deny the fact that…

  10. We may face the undeniable fact that…

  11. Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face. 如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了.

  12. It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为…… Many people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……


  1. There is no immediate solution to the problem of …, but …might be helpful

  2. None of the solutions is quite satisfactory The problem should be examined in a new way

  3. It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on…

  4. Taking into account all these factors, we may safely reach the conclusion that…

  5. As it is described that…

  6. It has been illustrated that…

  7. It provides a good example of…

  8. We may cite another instance of…

  9. History man provides us with the examples of…

  10. A number of further facts may be added…

  11. The situation is not unique, it is typical of dozens I have heard

  12. A recent investigation indicate that…


  1. Among the most convincing reasons given, one should be mentioned…

  2. The change in …largely results from the fact that

  3. There are several causes for this significant growth in…,first …,second …,finally…

  4. A number of factors could account for the development in…

  5. Perhaps the primary reason is…

  6. It is chiefly responsible of…

  7. The reasons for…are complicated, And probably they are found in the fact…

  8. Here are several possible reasons, excerpt that…

  9. Somebody believes/argues/holds/insists/thinks that…

  10. It is not simple to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon…

齿瓣延胡索选方 延胡索粉是与开水服用还是与中药服用 延胡索细粉一次吃多少 青少年为什么会得抑郁症 为什么越来越多的青少年抑郁了? 游戏账号重新注册了一个,以前的老号为什么就没有了? 老爸做60大寿,要用手机发信息接朋友呷酒怎么说 老爸做60大寿,要用手机发信息接朋友呷酒怎么写 老爸60大寿请朋友来呷酒用短信通知发些什么 雷克萨斯es200和300的区别 雷克萨斯es200和300的区别哪个好 臀大肌无力是什么步态 病理步态的臀大肌步态 小儿脑瘫,臀大肌怎么训练 求助求助,我家泰迪生完小狗后喘的厉害 泰迪犬生完崽都一周了,怎么还呼吸急促 泰迪狗狗下完小崽 老是张大嘴出气是怎么回事 泰迪生完小狗两天喘气发抖怎么回事 泰迪狗狗生完小狗老喘,啥原因 您好!我的电脑有些网址打不开而别人的可以打开,据说是安全级别的问题,请问大家怎么降低电脑安全级别呢? 打开excel文件时提示K4.xls有密码保护,点三次取消后提示窗口关闭。但文件到安全级别高的电脑上就打不开了 为什么狗狗生完孩子后会不停地喘气 泰迪生完宝宝一直喘气,泰迪生产后老喘气怎么回事 苹果手机换了块新电池,为啥显示维修,电池健康度也显示不出来,咋回事啊? 我为啥没有好运中国年呢? 百度里有没有人民币收活动里好运中国年的好字卡片? 好运中国年,我还差一个年字,今天怎么打不开了呢? 太甜是词语吗 06我型我秀上海赛区10强名单 2020国际女超模大赛青海赛区冠亚季军是谁得奖 去意大利自由行,最好玩的景点有哪些? 臀大肌步态中,“靠墙伸髋踏步”的原理是什么 百家姓中的“郭”姓发源地在哪里啊 郭氏家族发源地在哪 甘肃郭姓的来历 交通事故保险公司垫付费用 和平精英未领取的邮件可以找回吗 夏威夷火山喷发峰顶湖泊被蒸干? 夏威夷火山是不是每天都有岩浆涌入大海 和平精英 我删了一个邮件那这个邮件还能再看到吗? 和平精英电子邮件和密码忘记了怎么办 红米手机无线网密码怎么连接不上? 和平精英体验服抢号成功 网址被删除了 怎么办 飞机托运要怎么收费的呀? 和平精英软件不小心删了怎样把它找回来? 托运飞机怎么收费 军需币忘记领取+直接删删除怎么找回 和平精英被删了,怎么恢复? 十二生肖的动物简笔画 十二生肖的小动物怎么画 读书,是你最惬意的时光 抖音点击关注怎么显示太快了