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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 03:06



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 19:07

From when college entrance examination still has 43 day, the number people is hoping for have an exam breakfast arrival, easy to have ended this inhuman life but our but to have fallen in love with this land deeply , have already, been accustomed to passing in and out of campus every day , have been accustomed to the fact that the morning sleeps late, the feeling having been accustomed to dozing off on class , the time interval having been accustomed to noon and the joke being in the same school eating, have been accustomed to after class have no way of quarrel and fight noisily, day-by-day high and low who is accustomed being looking at a teacher platform, have been accustomed to the visual angle watching at a distance , have been accustomed to that queer distance , habit. . . Pass through the more than 40 day , implication again this what? Liberate? Already be accustomed to so much life state's we are therefore likely to give up the life having got this this high school really? Can sleep quietly greatly but not feeling that inanity is lonely really? Can part from this freely and easily ever belonged to our classroom really? Spontaneously Shan do not know why to become so oversensitive under the tear. . Give lessons hearing the teacher explanation year's we have all been one's important students now. . At heart distressed effusive. . We will no longer can sit to give lessons within the same room classroom , be making edless exercise , be all at sea to the same target fatigued. .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 19:07

hoping for have an exam breakfast arrival, easy to have ended this inhuman life but our but to have fallen in love with this land deeply , have already, been accustomed to passing in and out of campus every day , have been accustomed to the fact that the morning sleeps late, the feeling having been accustomed to dozing off on class , the time interval having been accustomed to noon and the joke being in the same school eating, have been accustomed to after class have no way of quarrel and fight noisily, day-by-day high and low who is accustomed being looking at a teacher platform, have been accustomed to the visual angle watching at a distance , have been accustomed to that queer distance , habit. . . Pass through the more than 40 day , implication again this what? Liberate? Already be accustomed to so much life state's we are therefore likely to give up the life having got this this high school really? Can sleep quietly greatly but not feeling that inanity is lonely really? Can part from this freely and easily ever belonged to our classroom really? Spontaneously Shan do not know why to become so oversensitive under the tear. . Give lessons hearing the teacher explanation year's we have all been one's important students now. . At heart distressed effusive. . We will no longer can sit to give lessons within the same room classroom , be making edless exercise.
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