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比尔盖茨英语简介 比尔盖茨简单生平介绍分享

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-01 03:16



懂视网 时间:2023-01-04 00:21


Bill Gates is the head of the software company Microsoft and one of the worlds wealthiest men. Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in the 1970s, though Allen left the company in 1983. Gates oversaw the invention and marketing of the MS-DOS operating system, the Windows operating interface, the Internet Explorer browser, and a multitude of other popular computer products. Along the way he gained a reputation for fierce competitiveness and aggressive business savvy. During the 1990s rising Microsoft stock prices made Gates the worlds wealthiest man; his wealth has at times exceeded $75 billion, making Gates a popular symbol of the ascendant computer geek of the late 20th century.

Extra credit: Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, on 1 January 1994. The couple have three children: daughters Jennifer Katharine (b. 1996) and Phoebe Adele (b. 2002) and son Rory John (b. 1999)... Gatess personal chartiable initiative, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has focused on global health issues, especially on preventing malaria and AIDS in poor countries; in 2005, ABC News reported that he had given away over six billion dollars in the previous five years.


比尔·盖茨是微软软件公司的负责人,也是世界上最富有的人之一。盖茨和保罗·艾伦在20世纪70年代创立了微软,但艾伦在1983年离开了微软。盖茨负责MS-DOS操作系统、Windows操作界面、Internet Explorer浏览器和许多其他流行计算机产品的发明和营销。在这一过程中,他获得了激烈的竞争和积极进取的商业头脑的声誉。上世纪90年代,不断上涨的微软股价使盖茨成为世界上最富有的人;他的财富有时已超过750亿美元,使盖茨成为20世纪末计算机极客的流行象征。

额外功劳:盖茨于1994年1月1日与微软员工梅琳达·弗伦奇结婚,两人育有三个孩子:女儿詹妮弗·凯瑟琳(1996)和菲比·阿黛尔(2002)和儿子Rory John(1999)。Gates的个人宪章倡议,比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会,专注于全球卫生问题,特别是在贫穷国家预防疟疾和艾滋病;2005年,美国广播公司新闻报道说,他在过去五年里捐赠了60多亿美元。

热心网友 时间:2023-02-05 13:44


Bill Gates is the head of the software company Microsoft and one of the worlds wealthiest men. Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in the 1970s, though Allen left the company in 1983. Gates oversaw the invention and marketing of the MS-DOS operating system, the Windows operating interface, the Internet Explorer browser, and a multitude of other popular computer procts. Along the way he gained a reputation for fierce competitiveness and aggressive business savvy. During the 1990s rising Microsoft stock prices made Gates the worlds wealthiest man; his wealth has at times exceeded $75 billion, making Gates a popular symbol of the ascendant computer geek of the late 20th century.

Extra credit: Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft employee, on 1 January 1994. The couple have three children: daughters Jennifer Katharine (b. 1996) and Phoebe Adele (b. 2002) and son Rory John (b. 1999)... Gatess personal chartiable initiative, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has focused on global health issues, especially on preventing malaria and AIDS in poor countries; in 2005, ABC News reported that he had given away over six billion dollars in the previous five years.


比尔·盖茨是微软软件公司的负责人,也是世界上最富有的人之一。盖茨和保罗·艾伦在20世纪70年代创立了微软,但艾伦在1983年离开了微软。盖茨负责MS-DOS操作系统、Windows操作界面、Internet Explorer浏览器和许多其他流行计算机产品的发明和营销。在这一过程中,他获得了激烈的竞争和积极进取的商业头脑的声誉。上世纪90年代,不断上涨的微软股价使盖茨成为世界上最富有的人;他的财富有时已超过750亿美元,使盖茨成为20世纪末计算机极客的流行象征。

额外功劳:盖茨于1994年1月1日与微软员工梅琳达·弗伦奇结婚,两人育有三个孩子:女儿詹妮弗·凯瑟琳(1996)和菲比·阿黛尔(2002)和儿子Rory John(1999)。Gates的个人宪章倡议,比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会,专注于全球卫生问题,特别是在贫穷国家预防疟疾和艾滋病;2005年,美国广播公司新闻报道说,他在过去五年里捐赠了60多亿美元。
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