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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-01 08:32



懂视网 时间:2023-01-16 10:15



‘Listen!’ said Doyle suddenly.“你听!”多伊尔突然说。

I suddenly realized what I had to do.我突然明白我该怎么做了。

It all happened so suddenly.一切都来得那么突然。

热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 09:50


  英 [sdnli] 美 [sdn:l]

  副词 意外地,忽然地; 奄; 勃; 霍然


  1. 突然地;出乎意料地

  If something happens suddenly, it happens quickly and unexpectedly.

  e.g. Suddenly, she looked ten years older...

  突然间她看起来老了 10 岁。

  e.g. Her expression suddenly altered...



  1. Many readers would not be able to afford to buy books if their prices suddenly increased.

  2. It would mean public housing tenants who had been buying up private properties suddenly had found an attractive alternative.

  3. The peaceful atmosphere is then broken as the crowd is suddenly taken by surprise with loud fireworks and striking drums.

  4. A team used to being ignored suddenly turned up on magazine covers, network TV and President Bush's call list.

  5. The caller would suddenly hang up in order to leave the parents in a panic.

  6. He recalls their helicopter was struck by lightening when they flew over Cambodia in 2009, causing the aircraft to suddenly plummet 50 meters.

  7. Why does a person's body lean forward when a car's brakes are applied suddenly?

  8. Jackson died suddenly from cardiac arrest in Los Angeles on June 25 at the age of 50.

  9. " I suddenly couldn't feel my legs, " the senior carpenter recalled.

  10. Doctors told Zhang that part of the cataract that had clouded her vision had suddenly disappeared.


  1. Suddenly, it became clear to me: This was not my best-laid plan.


  2. Hair that was normally straight might suddenly begin to grow in curlier than ever ring pregnancy.


  3. I was in the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was serving behind the bar asked me a curious question.


  4. Don't be tension, please take it easy2.If without ther help, we will dead.3.The only important way what you lawing.4.Must be carefully when you use these radioactivity things.5.This matter will be make the price of per tank suddenly rise to $50, then last on several months.


  5. Semelparous organisms and others that die suddenly following reproction e. g. salmon, octopus, marsupial mouse (Brown Antechinus, etc. also represent instances of organisms whose design incorporates a life span limiting feature.


  6. Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth.


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