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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-12 21:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:31

With the development of embedding technology, how to permit users to visit the built-in web server in the embeded system so as to obtain the system information has become a hot point of embedded system design.
embed加ed应该是embedded, 但是要说embedding technology, users不是特指的, 因此不能用the users, embedded system, 不必说system designing, 用design也可以是名词

With the convenient operation features, you can remote control field work and even send orders to monitoring equipment. The web server plays an important role in the realization of the embedded system. Because the embedded system demands a simple code with high executive efficiency and stable performance, users have to be cuatious enough to choose a suitable web server.
中文逗号是不用在英语中的, With the features of convenient operation, 改成 With the convenient operation features; remote control前面加上主谓语yuo can; toward the work field改成field work; sending改成send; 删除monitoring equipment前的the; 删除high executive efficiency前的a, efficiency不可数; suitable web server前要加a

The design has adopted the embedded system Boa with simple tasks, and discussed the features of Boa web server, how to set it up and some instructions that need to be noted, and meanwhile, on which base, compiled background cgi service procere, transmitted the users the data collected by the sensors in embedded equipment through the website and explorer. This way, users can have a clear understanding of working conditions of embedded equipment and the data collected.
改task为tasks复数; data不用datas为复数; set up改成set it up; backgrounding改成后台background, backgrounding是后接地, 不是后台; equipment不能用复数, 是不可数名词; 删除In, 只说This way就可以; 最后, 在data collected前要加the, 这里是有所指的, 也可以说the collected data

有一部分内容没有解释, 只做了改正, 希望能够帮到你

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:31


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:32

1、how to permit the users to visit the built-in web server in the embeded system so as to obtain the system information has become a hot point of embeded system designing这个句子主语太长,建议使用it 做形式主语,会更好些。
2、With the features of convenient operation,remote control toward the work field and even sending orders to the monitoring equipment缺少主语,这个句子可以用not only ,but also写
3、a simple code with a high executive efficiency and stable performance有误,代码简练,执行效率高,性能稳定可靠,三者是并列关系。
5、因此选择合适的Web服务器显得尤为重要 你的有点乱,我重新翻一下it appears more important to select appropriate WEB server

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:32




热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:33

How let a consumer have the Web server built-in by the fact that the browser visits implantation style in system, to gain system information becoming a hot spot that dyadic system of implantation designs with implanting development of dyadic technology. The web is served handling long-range supervisory control go to the lavatory, and can come true to the scene not only , can dispatch instruction to monitoring equipment even, Web realization in serving in implanting dyadic system has the important effect therefore , the server waiting for Web , choosing therefore rightly since dyadic system of implantation requires that the code is succinct , carry out is efficient , the function is stable reliably appears especially important. Design dyadic implantation Web server Boa adopt one Shan mission originally. To Boa web server characteristic, how numerous and repeated build as well as matters needing attention waits to have been in progress discuss that, have compiled and composed backstage cgi servicer here on the basis, the data that sensor acquisition arrives at transfers give the consumer, messenger consumer know the ty implanting dyadic equipment and collect the information arriving at to implanting style in equipment by the network and the browser.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:34

With the development of embedded technology, how to allow users to access through a browser embedded in the built-in Web server system to obtain system information of the embedded system design has become a hot topic. web services is not only easy to operate, and can achieve the remote monitoring of the scene, or even send commands to the monitoring equipment, so Web services in the realization of embedded systems play an important role, as the simple code embedded system requirements, the implementation of high efficiency, such as stable and reliable performance, so select the appropriate Web server seems particularly important. The design uses a single-task embedded Web server Boa.
Characteristics of the Boa web server, how to set up and pay attention to such matters were discussed, in this based on the background cgi service program for embedded devices in the sensor data collected through the network and delivered to the user browser so that users understand the work of the state of embedded devices and the information collected.

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