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(Hed) Planet Earth的《Ifo》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-13 17:49



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 11:35

歌手:(Hed) Planet Earth

Hed p.e - I.F.O.
Somewhere, somehow, somewhen
We'll see it happen again, my friend
A simple visitation gone wrong like back in '47
Only this time we'll be on the scene like Kent Brockman
Or Sam Donaldson live in New Mexico
But now you can't fool us
Now you can't lie or deny so much
It's obvious why none of us trust you
How does a flying disc turn into a weather balloon
How long did you think you could trick us with lies?
Can't put a cover on the skies
Can't hide that face or those big black eyes
So how you gonna put a cover up on the skies?
Realize, I'm not surprised at your deception
Correction, I welcome the challenge to intercept it
The message loud & clear
You think we fear it
Reverse it
Me & mine we will embrace it
So face it
I got the 411
I got the CNN
We on-line
TV & me we kin
My click is the mandelbrot set
My crops lie unbroken
Your hoaxes, a feeble attempt
Circle perfect, bring the revelation
Your realization far too many videotapes to go around erasin'
This ain't no J.F.K.
Check the I.F.O.-out the box
Fresh like sightings on FOX
Documenting the coming of the chariots
Gods in the making, no more jiving
No more fakin' the real
How you gonna put a cover-up on the skies?
Take me to your leader
He don't even know you
We the niggaz of earth
Got to show you
The peckerwoods can't stand the site of the Africans
What are they gonna do when they face off with a gray man
Prepare to meet your maker in the skies over the pyramids
Check stonehenge
Go ask the Mayans
2012 soon come
I will be waitin' sayin' I told you so
When the skies are ripped open
And the mothership lands on your cynical ass
Maybe then you will believe & concede
That you can't hide the sun
Can't hide the moon
Can't keep some secrets so big
Yes, the truth must transcend
And when it does, my friend I will be chillin' by the TV
Rockin' with CNN
Yeah, my bong in hand
Surrounded by friends
When the world as we know it will end

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