发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-12 19:44
热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 14:28
寻狗启示~~ age: one year old looks like : small , sgort and thin with small eyes and shoyt curly hair lost place : the park , Tom s telephone : 133355043181 , Tom s address: NO . 72 Bridge Street .I had a very lovely dog,named Wonderful.It was a white doggy,and I loved it very much.It liked to follow me wherever I went,and I loved it to accompany me all times.It was very often that I and my dog spent all day long together at weekend.Yesterday,I went shopping wi...
寻狗启示用英语写,只要外貌、颜色 帮帮忙los and found寻物启事 Yesterday,my dog ,Cary,was lost when we were on the way home,so i want to person help me find my dog,He has a yellow hair,like a litter cat face,he is very cute 谢谢采纳
寻狗启示怎么写简单1. 狗狗丢失详情:本人于xxxx年xx月xx日周x,xx点到xx点之间在xxxxxxxxxx丢失一只xxxx犬。当时狗狗未系狗链,可能在公园中与两只其他狗狗(一黑一白)走散。2. 狗狗特征描述:狗狗全身呈xx色,毛发直或卷曲,耳朵与眼睛颜色为xx。为了更准确地识别,特附上狗狗照片。3. 狗狗性格与喜好:狗狗性格温顺...
英语作文 寻狗启示A small dog is sgort and thin .That with small eyes and shoyt curly hair .It is one year old.It had lose in the park. Plese tell me if you find it .I should thank you for you .Tel:133355043181(Tom)Add: NO . 72 Bridge Street ...
怎么写寻狗启示?1. 狗狗丢失详情:本人于xxxx年xx月xx日周x,xx点到xx点之间在xxxxxxxxxx丢失一只xxxx犬。当时狗狗未系狗链,公园内有两只狗,一只是黑色,另一只是白色。2. 狗狗详细情况:狗狗全身呈xx色,毛发直或卷曲,耳朵与眼睛为xx色。除了外貌特征,狗狗的性格、喜好也非常重要。它喜欢吃什么?喜欢怎么玩耍?
寻宠物启示英语作文60字左右Missing Dog!(寻狗启示)- short black and brown fur(黑白色,短毛)- floppy ears(大耳朵)- about 18lbs (大约18磅重)- white collar (白色项圈)- went missing on May 11th, 2011(五月十一日走失)If found please contact ___ at ___. A reward will be offered.如果有任何人...
怎么写寻狗启示?寻狗启示 :家有一爱犬于某年某月某日, 在某某处不慎走失, 特征如下;什么品种(比如说黑色的可卡犬 身高多少厘米 ,身长多少厘米, 身着什么颜色的衣服, 带有什麽饰品 )因失主寻狗心切而积劳成疾, 望江湖各界朋友有爱犬消息 ,请速与心急如焚的我联系 ,小弟(或小妹)在此先谢过, 提供重要...
...到现在还没找到,家人很着急,写一篇寻狗启事英语作文Dian dian is my pet dog which is clever and cute that can bring lots of fun to me.Unfortunately,he has lost his way several days ago.When we heard the sad news we were so anxious that all my families can't have a nice sleeping.On the one hand ,maybe he is finding his...
寻狗启示英语怎么翻译英语:Look for dog revelation 日语:犬の命日に寻
狗狗失踪启示怎么写寻狗启事要素:1.一定要有照片 2.狗的性别,年龄,颜色,什么类型的。3.在哪里丢失的 4.赏金多少(很重要),要不谁给你还来?祝你成功。问题六:长春市走失的狗狗寻主人启示!!!祝你家狗狗早日被找回吧,我曾经也丢过,到现在都很后悔那时候为什么图一时轻松让它自己下楼去上厕所。问题七:...