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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 04:02



热心网友 时间:2022-04-09 15:33

First, work experience

Work experience 2005/07-2009/03: Innovation and Technology (CREATIVE) China

Systems Engineer

Cluster built environment (Nginx, squid, apache, ldirector, mysql)

Structures based on snort + iptables + guardian of enterprise-class firewall (open source)

Internal structures Bind, postfix, Samba, NFS, FTP servers, and the latter part of the maintenance work to ensure the efficient operation of its stability

Cacti of the variable use of mapping and the alarm mechanism of nagios server and network monitoring

Responsible for oracle, mysql database of day-to-day maintenance, monitoring, backup and recovery, database migration and testing

I P-SAN storage management

2004/04-2005/07: Innovation and Technology (CREATIVE) China

Technical Support Engineer

Hardware and software procts for the company by email KANA technical advice to the user to answer and provide technology solutions

Technical problems responsible for non-technical issues and a summary of preparation works, and internal training

Second, professional skills

And structure of the cluster:

Familiar with the Linux cluster architecture. Skilled LB structures and HA load balancing cluster high-availability clusters (open-source programs, business programs)

Lvs build through the LB clusters, high-load services to improve performance and rece the cost of the services of high load.

HEARTBEAT or RHCS through the achievement of key services, HA, to ensure that failures in a variety of key services, availability, reliability and data integrity

Nginx used to achieve separation of static and dynamic WEB pages, and then used to speed up reverse TUX or SQUID technology, static pages or dynamic WEB pages to speed up the static data, the use of LVS Cluster Dynamic Acceleration technology.

Configuration and optimization services:

Proficiency in LAMP environment structures

Apache can be compiled into a process model has to improve its stability, or compiled into a thread mode to save system resources to improve service response time,

To break through the compiler the maximum number of connections to the existing restrictions on 4000

Can be compiled to enable the realization of MYSQL and PHP for the GB2312 character set support, etc., and a breakthrough single MYSQL table 4GB limit

Proficiency in building enterprise-class e-mail system (based on postfix, mysql, squirrelmai, Clamav)

Landing page to support the WEB, management accounts, OUTLOOK and other support MDA software user login settings, password management to support e-mail spam and virus filtering

Understanding of Tomcat, JBOSS middleware such as the implementation and deployment

Host and service security:

Skilled configure IPTABLES configuration. Can set up a firewall based on the state to get closer to business needs

Skilled-based configuration snort + iptables + guardian of the active firewall, you can automatically insert malicious IP rules IPTABLES, discarded packets

Possible DOS attack on the system to optimize the kernel parameters

Efficiency and monitoring:

SHELL familiar with the script, can be used to simplify the preparation of some of the work, the script management, and improving work efficiency

Skilled configure Cacti, nagios and other tools, the system IO, server load and monitor the key services

Database maintenance and management:

Familiar with the MySQL database application and database HA, such as Hot Standby Technology

Oracle 10g/9i familiar with the management and maintenance, and database performance tuning, Oracle10gRAC Cluster Data Guard configuration structures and the principle of access to OCP Certificate
Third, language ability
Reading ability of good documentation
intel 英特尔 酷睿 i5-9400F CPU 2.9GHz 6核6线程-详细介绍 vivo手机越用网络越慢 怎么检测 二手苹果电脑交易注意买二手苹果笔记本电脑应注意什么 比如我买一个二手笔记本卖家笔记本预装正版win10的话把他账号注销登录我... 二手苹果笔记本怎么更改账户 军婚假期有多少天 金立e6mini开机出现el 甘肃基层卫生主要内容 甘肃基层医疗卫生系统怎么撤销处方 天津市选调生通过面试了不去会怎么样 能不能来个懂JAVA的人看一下?package chapter11; public class FatherClass { public String str1="父类的 RHCS和RAC哪个好 男友他说十一前见我父母,那天没有发生关系,他父亲去世也随了份子,却删除了我? 学习linux操作系统需要掌握那些东西呢? 我是个11的女孩子上六年级了,我最近比较叛逆,爸爸说要给我一个完整的童年,我想问一下完整? LINUX下如何做双机热备,用什么软件比较好,请详细一点,奖励20分,谢了!!! 小短句翻译,谢谢,马上给分,不要机翻译啊 我没有听父亲的话,玩游戏玩到11:00点,父亲知道了我怎么办? 关于此LINUX课程的用处 韩剧Remember11剧情抢先享 父亲离世背后究竟是谁的黑手 分布式与集群的区别是什么? お父さまに、あさっての午前11时にうかがうと___ください。1お届け 2 お伝え 选哪个 为什么 给孩子录唱歌视频用什么软件 初中高级运维工程师的的区别 给孩子拍唱歌视频用什么软件 linux平台的集群软件有哪些软件 基于linux 的负载均衡怎么做 可以唱歌的app有哪些? linux集群和oracle集群有什么不同,培训哪个好? linux版本和rhcs服务的不同 《星际迷航11:开启未来》中,斯波克、老年斯波克、斯波克的父亲,三者到底是什么关系? 我想学学怎么唱歌谁能教我或者有什么视频软件? 11.汉武帝诛杀主父偃yǎn的真实原因是什么 在linux下能创建windows 的文件系统吗 什么唱歌的软件好 如果将第11段划线句我不敢正视父亲灼灼的目光,从灼灼一词中可以看出父亲怎样的心 货币基金和银行存款哪个收益高? 想转行做大数据,需要做什么准备 父亲向传红1973牛正月初七女儿2020正月11,2点55生叫什么名字好? 货币基金比定期高吗? 有没有可以视频唱歌的软件? 债券基金和货币基金哪个收益高 北京尚观linux集群培训 好吗? 东京食尸鬼第二部11集,为什么独眼岛把他父亲吞进肚子再逃走? 高性能Linux服务器构建实战的作品目录 钱买基金的利息比存银行高?买基金有利息,一般基金的年利率是多少啊? 11、2013年2月25日,王女士给父亲王老汉开具1万元现金支票一张,用途栏写明“生日快乐”,并注 子告父,事由:母亲ICU重病至今11个月,父亲2个月之后,不管... 十万元银行存三年定期,和十万元买货币基金,三年后拿出来,这两个哪个收益高? 11,有两对父子皇帝,父亲和儿子的姓名的读音完全一样,这两对皇帝是?