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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-26 23:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:58

Can you go to the newsstand to buy a newspaper?
He has a headache and needs some aspirin.
It's raining outside,do you have an umbrella?
I have to wash the clothes,but I don't have soaps.
I didn't have much money,I hope my brother can give me a little.
I'm ready for a meal.And I need some potatoes and a cabbage.
There are no peach in the refrigerator,I have to buy some.
Our cheese and butter is little, and eggs is not much.
What else do we need?Penny,I hope you can write a shopping list.

前面几位一看就知道是网上弄的,从第一句就看出来了= =。


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:59

You can go to the newsstand to buy a newspaper?
He has a headache and need some aspirin.
It is raining outside, you have an umbrella?
I have to wash clothes, but I had no soap.
I have beer, but I am not going to buy.
I don't have much money, I hope my brother can give me some.
I am going to make dinner. I need some tomatoes and cabbages.
The refrigerator is not a peach, I have to go to the store to buy some fruit.
Our cheese and butter have no one, the egg is not much.
What else do we need? Penny, I hope you can write a shopping list.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 08:59

You can go to the newsstand to buy a newspaper?
He has a headache and need some aspirin.
It is raining outside, you have an umbrella?
I have to wash clothes, but I had no soap.
I have beer, but I am not going to buy.
I don't have much money, I hope my brother can give me some.
I am going to make dinner. I need some tomatoes and cabbages.
The refrigerator is not a peach, I have to go to the store to buy some fruit.
Our cheese and butter have no one, the egg is not much.
What else do we need? Penny, I hope you can write a shopping list.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 09:00

Can you go to the newsstand to buy a newspaper?
He has a headache and need some aspirin.
It is raining outside, do you have an umbrella?
I had to wash clothes, but I had no soap.
I had no beer, but I was not going to buy.
I don't have much money, I hope my brother can give me some.
I am going to cook. I need some tomatoes and cabbages.
The refrigerator have no peaches, I have to go to the store to buy some fruit.
Our cheese and butter have no one, the egg is not much.
What else do we need? Penny, I hope you can write a shopping list.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 09:01

could you go to that newspaper stall to get a piece of paper ?
he has a headache,and he need some aspirin.
it is raining outside,do you have umbrella?
i have to do some washing,but i don't have any soap.
i have no beer,but i don't intend to buy any.
i have little money,and i hope my brother to give me some.
i am preparing dinner,and i need a few tomatoes and a cabbage.
there is no peach inthe fridge,and i have to buy some.
we don't have any cheese and butter, but few eggs
what else do we need?penny,i hope you can make a shopping list.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 09:01

Will you buy a piece of newspaper from the newsstand ?
He needs some Aspirin for his headache.
Raining heavily outside,have you taken an umbrella?
I have to wash clothe,but there is no soap.
I have no beer, but I don't intend to buy one.
I have little money, and hope my brother can give me some.
I intend to make a meal. I need some tomatoes and a cabbage.
There is no peach in the refrigerator .,so I have to buy some from fruit store.
We don't have too much cheese and butter ,and the egg is running out.
what else do we need?Penny, I hope you can write a shopping list
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