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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-02 11:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 13:58


【导语】成功根本没有秘诀可言,如果有的话,就有两个:第一个就是坚持到底,永不言弃;第二个就是当你想放弃的时候,回过头来看看第一个秘诀,坚持到底,永不言弃,学习也是一样需要多做练习。以下是大范文网为大家整理的《小学六年级英文歌曲【五首】》 供您查阅。

【A little love】

greatness as you

  smallest as me

  you show me

  what is deep as sea

  a little love,

  little kiss

  a litlle hug,

  little gift

  all of little something

  these are our memories

  you make me cry

  make me smile

  make me feel that love is true

  you always stand by my side

  i don"t want to say goodbye

  you make me cry

  make me smile

  make me feel

  the joy of love

  oh kissing you

  thank you for all the love

  you always give to me

  oh i love you

  yes i do,

  i always do

  make me cry

  make me smile

  make me feel that love is true

  you always stand by my side

  i don"t want to say goodbye


  to be with you,

  oh i love you

【hush,little baby】

hush, little baby, don"t say a word.

  mama"s gonna buy you a mockingbird.

  and if that mockingbird don"t sing,

  mama"s gonna buy you a diamond ring.

  and if that dimond righ turns brass,

  mama"s gonna buy you a looking glass.

  and if that looking glass gets broke,

  mama"s gonna buy you a *illy goat.

  and if that billy goat won"t pull,

  mama"s gonna buy you a cart and bull

  and if that cart and bull turn over,

  mama"s gonna buy you a doggy named rover.


let"s start at the very beginning

  a very good place to start

  when you read you begin with a-b-c

  when you sing you begin with do-re-mi

  do-re-mi, do-re-mi

  the first three notes just happen to be

  do-re-mi, do-re-mi


  let"s see if i can make it easy

  doe, a deer, a female deer

  ray, a drop of golden sun

  me, a name i call myself

  far, a long, long way to run

  sew, a needle pulling thread

  la, a note to follow sew

  tea, a drink with jam and bread

  that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh)

  doe, a deer, a female deer

  ray, a drop of golden sun

  me, a name i call myself

  far, a long, long way to run

  sew, a needle pulling thread

  la, a note to follow sew

  tea, a drink with jam and bread

  that will bring us back to do

  doe, a deer, a female deer

  ray, a drop of golden sun

  me, a name i call myself

  far, a long, long way to run

  sew, a needle pulling thread

  la, a note to follow sew

  tea, a drink with jam and bread

  that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh)

  do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do so-do!

  now children,

  do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song.

  once you have these notes in your heads,

  you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up.

  like this.

  so do la fa mi do re

  can you do that?

  so do la fa mi do re

  so do la ti do re do

  so do la ti do re do

  now, put it all together.

  so do la fa mi do re

  so do la ti do re do


  but it doesn"t mean anything.

  so we put in words. one word for every note. like this.

  when you know the notes to sing

  you can sing most anything


  when you know the notes to sing

  you can sing most anything

  doe, a deer, a female deer

  ray, a drop of golden sun

  me, a name i call myself

  far, a long, long way to run

  sew, a needle pulling thread

  la, a note to follow sew

  tea, a drink with jam and bread

  that will bring us back to do

  do re mi fa so la ti do

  do ti la so fa mi re

  do mi mi

  mi so so

  re fa fa

  la ti ti

  do mi mi

  mi so so

  re fa fa

  la ti ti

  when you know the notes to sing

  you can sing most anything

  doe, a deer, a female deer

  ray, a drop of golden sun

  me, a name i call myself

  far, a long, long way to run

  sew, a needle pulling thread

  la, a note to follow sew

  tea, a drink with jam and bread

  that will bring us back to

  do ... so do

  re ... la fa

  mi ... mi do

  fa ... re

  so ... so do

  la ... la fa

  ti ... la so fa mi re

  ti do - oh - oh ti do -- so do


one night to be confused

  one night to speed up truth

  we had a promise made

  four hands and then away

  both under influense

  we had devine scent

  to know what to say

  mind is a razorblade

  to call for hands of above

  to lean on

  wouldn"t be good enough

  for me, no

  one night of magic rush

  the start a simple touch

  one night to push and scream

  and then releaf

  ten days of perfect tunes

  the colors red and blue

  we had a promise made

  we were in love

  to call for hands of above

  to lean on

  wouldn"t be good enough

  for me, no

  to call for hands of above

  to lean on

  wouldn"t be good enough

  and you, you knew the hands of the devil

  and you, kept us awake with wolf teeths

  sharing different heartbeats

  in one night

  to call for hands of above

  to lean on

  wouldn"t be good enough

  for me, no

  to call for hands of above

  to lean on

  wouldn"t be good enough

  for me, no

【Catch the eels】

yelling to all my friends gather around the field

  inside the muddy field hiding many eels

  wait for you everyday just to catch the eels

  since the rain has stopped now let"s go to catch the eels

  oh, boy please stand still don"t fall into muddy field

  since the rain has stopped now let"s go to catch the eels

  yelling to all my friends gather around the field

  inside the muddy field hiding many eels

  wait for you everyday just to catch the eels

  since the rain has stopped now let"s go to catch the eels

  oh, boy please stand still don"t fall into muddy field

  since the rain has stopped now let"s go to catch the eels


  yelling to all my friends gather around the field

  inside the muddy field hiding many eels

  wait for you everyday just to catch the eels

  since the rain has stopped now let"s go to catch the eels

  oh, boy please stand still don"t fall into muddy field

  since the rain has stopped now let"s go to catch the eels

  oh, boy please stand still don"t fall into muddy field

  since the rain has stopped now let"s go to catch the eels

  since the rain has stopped now let"s go to catch the eels

  since the rain has stopped now let"s go to catch the eels

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