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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-02 05:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 04:24

封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物. 覆盖;代替
from cover to cover 从头至尾

under cover 隐藏着;秘密地

cover up 掩盖,盖住

cover for 代替

cover with 覆盖

cover to cover 完整收录

cover letter 附信

under separate cover 在另函中

land cover 土地覆盖

cover in 用泥土填;遮盖住

cover an area of 占地面积,占地多少

ground cover 地被植物

vegetation cover 植被(覆盖);植物覆盖层

cover plate 电机活动盖板;荧光屏前面防护玻璃

take cover 躲藏,隐蔽

upper cover 上盖,上层覆盖

snow cover 积雪;积雪层;雪盖层

front cover n. 封面;机壳前盖

separate cover 另函;分散掩蔽

end cover 端盖

deal with, complete with

envelope, coer

write over, substitute for

. 书皮,封面
2. 覆盖物,盖子,套子
3. 保护;遮蔽;隐藏
4. 隐藏处;遮蔽物,掩护物
5. 借口,假装
6. 一份餐具
7. 外表,门面
8. [美国英语] =cover charge
9. (邮件的)封套,封皮,信封;首日封
10. 代替人,替身
11. [复数]床罩,被子,毯子
12. (特工人员的保护性)化装,伪装
13. (美国海军陆战队员戴的)钢盔
14. =cover version
cover ['kʌvə]
1. a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something
under cover of darkness

2. bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep

3. the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it
the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft

4. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book
5. a natural object that covers or envelops
under a covering of st the fox was flushed from its cover

6. covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)
put the cover back on the kettle

7. fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own indivials or formations
artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal

8. a fixed charge by a restaurant or night club over and above the charge for food and drink
9. a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
they made a cover of a Beatles' song

10. a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)
her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment

1. provide with a covering or cause to be covered
cover her face with a handkerchief cover the child with a blanket cover the grave with flowers

2. form a cover over
The grass covered the grave

3. span an interval of distance, space or time
The period covered the turn of the century This farm covers some 200 acres

4. provide for
The grant doesn't cover my salary

5. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression
The course covered all of Western Civilization

6. include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory
this should cover everyone in the group

7. travel across or pass over
The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day

8. be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism
The cub reporter covered New York City

9. hold within range of an aimed firearm
10. to take an action to protect against future problems
Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself

11. hide from view or knowledge
The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House

12. protect or defend (a position in a game)
he covered left field

13. maintain a check on; especially by patrolling
The second officer covered the top floor

14. protect by insurance
The insurance won't cover this

15. make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
16. invest with a large or excessive amount of something
She covered herself with glory

17. help out by taking someone's place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities
She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week

18. be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of
Is this enough to cover the check?

19. spread over a surface to conceal or protect
This paint covers well

20. cover as if with a shroud
21. copulate with a female, used especially of horses
The horse covers the mare

22. put something on top of something else
cover the meat with a lot of gravy

23. play a higher card than the one previously played
Smith covered again

24. be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game
25. sit on (eggs)
The female covers the eggs

26. clothe, as if for protection from the elements
cover your head
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