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高一暑期作业 英语作文不少于80字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-02 02:53



热心网友 时间:2023-12-08 23:20


This year's summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear.

  I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed interest in English. They could read write wellthey could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very needed in the countryside。

热心网友 时间:2023-12-08 23:20

Our Garden

  We have a small garden behind our house. It is beautiful all year round.
  When spring comes, the garden is all green. The ground is just like a green blanket. Birds are singing in the trees. The quiet garden becomes lively.
  In summer, all kinds of trees grow tall and strong. Golden sunflowers blossom to the sun, waving in the wind. Some other flowers are as red as fire, giving sweet smell and inviting many bees dancing around them.
  When it is autumn, apples, pears and other fruits come out from the leaves, just like bells hanging in the trees. On the ground, you can see oranges, big pumpkins here and there.
  After a snow in winter, the trees in the garden are covered with snow. The ground is all white with only some green leaves of vegetable sticking out from beneath.
  What a beautiful garden!

热心网友 时间:2023-12-08 23:21

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