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写一份五公里长跑的倡议书 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-22 02:36



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 17:18

Long-distance running, is a tiring exercise, physical strength and energy consumption. However, the health but also brings is a wholesome activity. Our school has been carrying out long-distance running in winter months, remember to run a few days before the beginning of the students to run laps on the panting, sweating profusely, and some students wanted to give up, the teachers and students are encouraged, or persevered, and later, the students gain a lot from the long-distance running, and some said, I used to frequent colds, take medicine and injections, and now Daohao, these seem to keep telling my insulation, and amused students 哈哈 University; also some students said, I had little appetite in particular, eat more now than before, the body is also robust a lot. The credits, long-distance running can be Liliaotaigong, students no longer complain of the daily running consciously and actively participate in physical activity in response to the call of the Sunshine State sports adhere to one hour a day and a fun learning, fun to grow, the real learning knowledge, physical fitness, Liang Buwu. Ye Hao mental outlook of the students a lot, it can also allow the disease away from us, let us learn to overcome the difficulties of the courage and determination to do the following: No matter what the situation, we must learn into trouble in order to taste the sweetness. From the long-distance movement, let us be more love for sports, sports have some understanding of the original, t
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