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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-16 15:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 11:43


  招聘者都希望应聘者是对该公司真正感兴趣的人,这就意味着应聘者应该了解应聘公司的背景。 “宝洁的`资料非常好找,因此如果你在面试时无话可谈,你应征的动机就会显得很不明确。”宝洁的品牌经理提醒说。


* What types of courses can I take while at P&G? I've read a little about P&G College, but how will skills I pick up there help me to continue to grow?

The company is proud of its P&G College, and its emphasis on training. Also, they are looking for employees who are motivated to keep learning.

* If Procter's pharmaceutical business grows as anticipated, does the company envision that it will deviate from its promote-from-within policy to gather talent experienced in that category?

Knowing about the company's plans to expand its presence in the drug instry (and about Olean) is a must.

* I understand that Procter expects to greatly increase its business in emerging markets. What opportunities and responsibilities does this afford?

If you have any international expertise (fluency in foreign languages, travel, detailed knowledge of or experience with foreign markets), this is a good way to try and flaunt it. Many top managers at P&G spent time in international divisions (Former CEO John Pepper was a general manager in Italy and a VP for the company's European operations). A managing director in Europe said in a recent interview that "International mobility has always been a common feature of a career at P&G."

* How is Procter's recent restructuring effort affecting management-level jobs?

* For what other procts does the company envision using olestra?

Olestra is the chemical name; Olean is the brand name being used with fat-free Pringles. P&G is selling olestra to Frito-Lay and Nabisco for use in such procts as Lays and Doritos. Consumer reaction is thus far mixed. While some consumers crow about being able to upsize their potato chip consumption, others complain the fake fat causes diarrhea and other bowel disruptions.

* How will the purchase of Iams affect the whole image of Procter & Gamble?

As the acquisition is the largest in company history, will it have a greater likelihood to affect the company at large? </P ;
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