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英语作文 country or city life

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-23 04:36



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 17:18

When people talk about the comparison between these two kinds of life style, two pictures fade in most of their minds: one is a lovely, peaceful scenery with clear blue sky and all kinds of green, and farmers that always look serene and satisfied; another will be a disappointing sight of noisy streets, horrible traffics, tired citizens and the permanently gray sky, etc.

But what’s in mine is no more like that. I am not going to talk about environmental protection or health problems of the urbanites. I think there is just one point that makes difference. That is: the city life gives you more choices, while the country life offers you the chance to choose.

Life in city is full-frills, attracting most of us to drown in. It shows people most kinds of entertainment, bringing you to a world called dolcevita. When someone, maybe an honest and straightforward guy enter the life here, he probably find himself unsuitable, whereas the curiosity will soon replace that feeling. In a short period, he begins to desire something new and exciting, ambitious to obtain more. And the city life just gives people profuse choices to get what they want.

The urbanites largely can get it-to become successful and happy, seemingly happy. But they are too busy to experience happiness. What success has brought them is not what they used to dream of. Everything is running so fast, especially the time. Though they still stick to it,” we have freedom of making choices”, the fact is they themselves are setting barriers to prevent that from happening. Their chances to choose are deprived by themselves, without any realization.

However, people living in country never say it, yet they have such chances. I seldom experience country life, and maybe I have no right to say anything about it. There is only one thing I can tell you-it’s a matter of speed.

Making a living in country, relying on physical work may be not that easy, but one can take his time anyway. He has time to think about what he’s doing and where he is going-it’s such an important question that nobody can avoid answering. Once you make time run slower, everything will be totally different. You find yourself refreshed, wise and calm. You do not have to make a choice at once. No one is pushing you around. It’s real freedom for you at that moment.

For me, which is better, country or city? The answer is unknown. I grew up in the city, and am still living here. I cannot tell you that I love the country life though I never lived like a country folk. It is so ridiculous, right?

But to go to the green fields, just as the folk-songs sing, is my eternal fantasy, a dream only belong to a person who seem to die in the city. Sigh…

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