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初二英语作文a amazing trip 50字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-23 01:34



热心网友 时间:2024-01-26 13:28

a amazing trip
Morning, I got up early, only to find himself at home, but in a strange house.
"Eh? Where is it? Don't put me at night and bad? No, I want to go home! " Looking at the strange environment around, I was scared to cry. I always cry and cry, don't know how, suddenly feel wrong, why didn't I? I fling caution to the winds out of the cabin, but was attracted by the scene, " wow! A palace, there must be very beautiful, go have a look. " Automatic speaking of my saying, be overcome by one's feelings into the beautiful decoration. The palace, but found it empty, I am very curious, I thought: must have been out. Just then my belly " cuckoo " to call up. Originally, I did not eat breakfast. So I shuttle in the palace, searched for the kitchen ... ...
I find most of the day, and will also not find food. No, the belly hungry. So, I tried very hungry and looking for a very long time, finally found the table meal, I don't care whatever may happen, you eat like wolves and tigers eat up. Call, full at last, is preparing to leave, suddenly I caught a glimpse of a full game machine room, I am unable to hold oneself back rushed in, wow, really a lot of games ah, bumper cars, a mouse, a roller coaster, and I love the carousel, yeah! Today I can have fun. When I sit on the ferris wheel is rotated to the half when, suddenly, the ferris wheel stops, not in rotation. How this is going on, put me down, oh, must use too much electricity, power runs out, how do ah, I don't want to ever sit on the ferris wheel, but I play too long electricity too much. Alas, I used personal experience to tell you, do to save electricity!
At this time, door there is a knock at the door, I do not know who is knocking at the door? If the palace is the master, then I will be dead! I grew more and more afraid, the mind into chaos, finally fainted ... ...
" Get up, get up! " My mother began to call her " loudspeakers". I woke up, found myself to sleep at home in bed. " Mother, grand palaces? " " What big palace, get up. " His mother shouted.
I looked at the clock, looked at the mother, so this is a dream, is a really fantastic journey.
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