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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-25 01:44



热心网友 时间:2023-12-22 07:50

"Under the emergency operational condition air force is in danger thelifesaving, is reces the non- combat losses the important method,closes my pilot life question. Meanwhile regarding enhances theofficers and soldiers morale, restores and maintains my air forcebattle efficiency similarly to have the vital significance. Butcorresponds the question is in danger the lifesaving key to be at,concts the research to it to appear extremely essential.
This topic mainly through will be in danger to the future emergencycombat air force the lifesaving correspondence question to conct thekey research, to scientifically effectively will instruct usually andthe wartime is in danger the rescuing work communication system toconstruct, the network organization, the equipment constructionproposed the opinion and the suggestion, hoped to scientificallyeffectively will organize the wartime to be in danger the lifesavingcorrespondence work to propose will conceive with the mentality."

热心网友 时间:2023-12-22 07:50

"Emergency rescue operations under the conditions of the air in distress is an important means to rece non-combatant personnel. The problem relates to the pilot's life. Meanwhile, to improve the morale of officers and men. I restore and maintain the same air combat capability is of great significance. Emergency rescue and communication is the key. it is very necessary to carry out research. The main topics of aviation distress future emergency rescue operations focus on communication issues, more scientific and effective guidance for peacetime and wartime distress communications system for rescue work in establishing network. equipment comments and suggestions. hope for a more scientific manner envisaged wartime Emergency rescue communications work and ideas. "

热心网友 时间:2023-12-22 07:51

" Meet an emergency under the battle condition of the aviation soldier meet with accident to save to living, is rece to fight to rece a member not of important means is a pass the problem of my irplane pilot's life.In the meantime for the exaltation government troops morale, instauration with keep my aviation soldier's fighting strength to have important meaning equally.But the correspondence problem is the key place that meets with accident to save to living, as to it's carrying on a research to seem to be very necessary.
This topic mainly pass to the future meet an emergency a battle aviation a soldier to meet with accident to save to living the correspondence problem to carry on the point research, to more science availably guide peacetime and wartime to meet with accident to save correspondence system of living the work to set up, network organization,the material construction put forward an opinion and suggest, hope to more science availably organize wartime to meet with accident to save to living correspondence work to put forward conceive with way of thinking."

This, you implicate!This year son writes a thesis difficult!
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