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介绍几个英文小故事吧! 要是侦探,好笑,可以是笑话.要英文的.越多越好

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 18:23



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 22:31

One day, the teacher came into the classroom, the students together to stand up shouting: "Good morning teacher!"
Teacher angrily said: "Good morning called only? Afternoon I? Should not it?"
So the students齐喊another: "Good afternoon, teacher!"
Teacher angrily said: "That night I do?"
The students齐喊another: "the teacher or night!"
Teacher nodded and said: "This do, and now re-call again!"
Students a齐喊: "Good morning teacher, good afternoon, or evening!"
The teacher said: "sit down! Antonyms today we have to review, we do practice, I say, you Antonyms aloud. Now."
Teacher: "The weather today is good."
Students: "The weather today is bad."
Teacher: "The sun was shining everywhere."
Student: "everywhere covered with dark clouds."
Teacher: "sea of people on the road."
Student: "empty street."
Teacher: "Young."
Student: "old."
Teacher: "standing."
Student: "lying"
Teacher: "There is a young man standing on the road."
Student: "There is a year old lying on the road."
Teacher: "I picked up a dollar."
Student: "I lost a dollar."
Teacher: "I picked up a dollar, to the teachers."
Student: "I lost a dollar, steal a teacher."
Teacher: "error, can not say that!"
Student: "correct, we should say so!"
Teacher: "error."
Student: "correct."
Teacher: "This will not do, this is illegal!"
Students: "This can be, it is lawful!"
Teacher: "I said the wrong."
Student: "We said that right."
Teacher: "listen to the teacher, the teacher said, is the right!"
Student: "listen to us, teachers say is wrong!"
Teacher: "You are stupid."
Student: "We are clever."
Teacher: "Stop!"
Students: "to continue!"
Teacher: "You have to stop now! Not to mention a!"
Student: "We will now continue! Would also like to say!"
Teacher: "You idiot, I said, stop!"
Student: "We are all gifted, we say to continue!"
Teacher: "You listen to the teacher!"
Student: "Teachers listen to us!"
Teacher: "Students have to listen to the teacher!"
Student: "Teachers have to listen to the students!"
Teacher: "Now you stop the practice!"
Students: "Now we continue to practice!"
Teacher: "You go on forever it?"
Student: "We have beginnings and ends of it!"
Teacher: "That you stop! Idiot!"
Student: "That we continue! Genius!"
. After the teacher angrily out of the classroom with books
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