发布时间:2022-04-22 06:33
时间:2023-11-01 20:57
1. I no longer believe those fairy tales that I heard when i was young.
2. I've been studying for my final exam this week.
3. It's the time for the government to take some actions.
4.The job opening is to provide available job positions.
5. The employer is trying to layoff an employee.
6.Can you smell a gas leak?
7. Lightning usually accompanies thunder.
8. We should always show more care to the minorities in a society.
9. Nuclear energy is very useful for making nuclear weapons.
10.People have different outlooks on life, some have positive outlook, some have negative outlook.
时间:2023-11-01 20:57
The purpose of this study was to investigate children's interpretation of a popular gendered fairy tale at the level of peer interaction.
Usage was evaluated in two courses with questionnaires and in the final exam.
Its natural habitat has been well protected by the Chinese government.
There is no charge to the subscriber and no charge to anyone listing either a job or a job opening.
When firms have discreation with respect to whom to lay off, the market infers that laid-off workers are of low ability.
It is important to analyze the propagation characteristics of guided waves in acoustic leak location in pipelines.
Equations of motion of ball lightning in a rocket airstream are under developed.
The results showed that, among both Han and ethnic minorities, there were two types, i.e.
Strategic position and development prospects of nuclear energy in China are highlightened.
As anxious and depressive components of psychological distress intensify, a negative outlook on life includes an increased negative view of one's health among older alts.