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英文翻译 包含有机械工程专业术语 高手进

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-01 16:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 13:57

The main content of this paper is about designing a pair of injection mold for the power switch waterproof cover by the process analysis of cover which is aim at the injection molding process and mold design.

Basing on the structural processing of proct and the mold construction,we design the mold construction such as the running gate system,molding part,ejecting mechanism,and we select and check the injection molding machine,aslo draw up processing technic of the plastic parts and injection mold.

The entire design process indicates the mold meet the requirements of the processing technic of the plastic parts.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 13:58

This topic is mainly aimed at the power switch waterproof cover injection molding technology and die design, through the analysis of the technology of plastic parts, the final design a pair injection mold. Subject proct structure from the die structure and the technology of the mould pouring system, forming part, launched the organizations of the mould structure design of injection molding machine, the choice and check, and briefly for the plastic parts and mould processing technology. The whole design process shows that the mold can achieve the plastic parts for the processing technology of the requirements.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 13:58

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