发布时间:2022-05-30 02:28
时间:2023-09-18 14:09
We learn a language, the most important thing is to use some parts of the language to communicate. Communication is our purpose(交流是目的),而不是语言本身。 Communication is our purpose (the exchange is the goal), rather than the language itself. 这样看来,英语口语的重要性就不言而喻了。 As such, the importance of English self-explanatory.
假如你想学骑自行车,就给你一本题目叫“如何骑自行车”的书。 If you want to learn to ride a bike, give you a topic called "how to ride a bike," the book. 你把书从头背到底,甚至倒背如流。 You back in the end the book from scratch, and even recite every word. 这时你有了专家级的关于如何骑自行车的知识,但是你肯定不会骑。 Then you have expert level knowledge on how to ride a bike, but you certainly do not ride. 原因是骑自行车不是简单的知识问题,它首先是一项技能。 The reason is not simply the knowledge of riding a bike problem, it is above all a skill. 要学会一项技能,核心问题是练,光有书本知识是不行的。 To learn a skill, the core issue is training, the light has book knowledge is not enough. 学英语口语当然比学骑自行车要复杂得多,但它首先也是一项技能,光看口语书,默背单词是远远不够的。 Spoken English course, learn to ride a bike than the much more complex, but first it is a skill, just look at oral book memorized word is not enough. 必须开口说,而且要说得尽量地道,要把知识变成技能。 To speak English, but also to put it as authentic, it is necessary knowledge into skills. 知道不等于知道怎么做,知道怎么做不等于实际上会做。 That does not mean that know how to do, know how to do does not mean actually do it.
不少学生在老师的鼓励下去进行英语的交流,首先这样的做法是值得肯定的,因为只有先开口说,才会有进步。 Many students go on to English teachers to encourage the exchange, the first such approach is worthy of recognition, because only the first opening that will change. 但是他们在交流时基本上很少有纯正的英语交流词汇学习在高中生英语学习中是一个难点。 But they very seldom in communication with native English communication learning in high school students learning English vocabulary is a difficult point. 很多学生都抱怨:背单词时间长,效率低,今天记住了,隔天就会遗忘。 Many students have complained about: the word back a long time, low efficiency, today Remember, will be forgotten the next day. 默写天天默,但每天默完就忘记。 Dictation every day silent, but silent complete day to forget. 这当然和学生的记忆过程有关。 This, of course, and their memory processes. 比如说,在英语单词的记忆中,如果只是要求认识,那么需要的时间远少于要达到熟练拼写状态的时间。 For example, the memory of the English word, if only asking for understanding, so far less than the time required to achieve the status of skilled spelling time. 此外口语水平的好坏也在某种程度上决定了识背单词的效率。 In addition, the level of good or bad is also spoken to some extent determines the efficiency of word knowledge back. 词汇学习的好坏也反过来制约着英语口语的学习,没有一定的词汇量,学习口语又变成了无米之炊,结果也只能望“词”兴叹。 The quality of vocabulary learning spoken English in turn restricts the study, no definite vocabulary learning spoken language, he is a meal without rice, the result can only hope that "the word" sigh. 所以,口语学习和词汇学习应该是相辅相成的。 Therefore, the oral learning and vocabulary learning should be complementary. 很多高中生没有学好最基本的音标导致无法掌握单词正确的发音,故而无法开口也不敢开口,无法真正地学会如何学习词汇,这也是症结所在。 Many high school students do not learn the basic phonetic result can not grasp the correct pronunciation of the word, did not dare open Guer not speak can not really learn how to learn vocabulary, this is also the point. 高中教师在词汇教学中应该注重口语发音的教授,真正教会学生掌握正确的读音,对词汇的教学也会产生事半功倍的效果。 High school teachers in teaching should focus on the spoken word pronunciation professor, really teach students to master the correct pronunciation, of vocabulary teaching will also have multiplier effect.
在中学的教学中,教师面对着很大的升学压力,这是个不争的事实,因此有很多老师片面注重读、写、听层面,而忽视了说的重要性。 Teaching in secondary schools, teachers face great pressure of school, this is an indisputable fact, so many one-sided emphasis on the teacher reading, writing, listening level, while neglecting the importance of that. 其实听说读写虽具有相对独立性,它们实则是一个统一体。 In fact, while speaking and writing are relatively independent, which in reality is a unity. 为达到有效的交际目的在言语交际过程中我们总是综合运用听说读写各种技能。 To achieve effective communication aimed at verbal communication process, we always make comprehensive use of speaking and writing skills. 口语对于语境的依赖性远远超过书面语。 Speaking for the context dependence of far more than written language.
因此口语技能在中学英语课堂中的培养有着极其重要的作用。 Therefore oral skills in high school English classroom has an extremely important role in training. 教师在注重对语法条目、词汇讲解、单词记忆等知识的积聚和重视听读写的基础上,一定要对说加强重视。 Teachers focus on grammar items, vocabulary explanations, word memory and attention such as listening to the accumulation of knowledge based on reading and writing, said more emphasis must be on. 说不仅可以提高听读写,还可以加强对语法、词汇、单词的记忆,更重要的是可以最大程度的体现英语作为交际工具的功能。 That can not only improve their listening and reading and writing, but also can enhance the grammar, vocabulary, word memory, more importantly, is the greatest manifestation of the functions of English as a communicative tool.
时间:2023-09-18 14:09
We learn a language, the most important thing is to use some parts of the language to communicate. Communication is the goal, not the language itself. As such, the importance of English self-explanatory.
If you want to learn to ride a bike, give you a topic called "how to ride a bike," the book. You back in the end the book from scratch, and even recite every word. Then you have expert level knowledge on how to ride a bike, but you certainly do not ride. The reason is not simply the knowledge of riding a bike problem, it is above all a skill. To learn a skill, the core issue is training, the light has book knowledge is not enough. Spoken English course, learn to ride a bike than the much more complex, but first it is a skill, just look at oral book memorized word is not enough. To speak English, but also to put it as authentic, it is necessary knowledge into skills.
That does not mean that know how to do, know how to do does not mean actually do it.
Many students go on to English teachers to encourage the exchange, the first such approach is worthy of recognition, because only the first opening that will change. But they very seldom in communication with native English communication
Vocabulary Learning in the high school students learning English is a difficulty. Many students have complained about: the word back a long time, low efficiency, today, remember, the next day will be forgotten. Dictation every day silent, but silent complete day to forget. This, of course, and their memory processes. For example, the memory of the English word, if only asking for understanding, so far less than the time required to achieve the status of skilled spelling time. In addition, the level of good or bad is also spoken to some extent determines the efficiency of word knowledge back. The quality of vocabulary learning spoken English in turn restricts the study, no definite vocabulary learning spoken language has become a bricks without straw,
The results can only hope that "the word" sigh. Therefore, the oral learning and vocabulary learning should be complementary. Many high school students do not learn the basic phonetic result can not grasp the correct pronunciation of words, Guer dared not open the opening, can not really learn how to learn vocabulary, and this is the crux. High school teachers in teaching should focus on the spoken word pronunciation professor, really teach students to master the correct pronunciation, of vocabulary teaching will also have multiplier effect.
Teaching in secondary schools, teachers face great pressure of school, this is an indisputable fact, so many teachers focus too much reading, writing, listening level, while ignoring the importance of that. In fact, while speaking and writing are relatively independent, which in reality is a unity. To achieve effective communication aimed at verbal communication process, we always make comprehensive use of speaking and writing skills. Speaking for the context dependence of far more than written language.
Therefore oral skills in high school English classroom has an extremely important role in training. Teachers focus on grammar items, vocabulary explanations, word memory and attention such as listening to the accumulation of knowledge based on reading and writing, said more emphasis must be on. That can not only improve their listening and reading and writing, but also can enhance the grammar, vocabulary, word memory, more importantly, is the greatest manifestation of the functions of English as a communicative tool.
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时间:2023-09-18 14:09
时间:2023-09-18 14:10