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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-03 12:02



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 00:58


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 00:59

Higher Ecation Alt Ecation is an important part, therefore, to learn more about students, concerned about students, of students, based on their specific circumstances, the introction and training of learning strategies into the alt in every aspect of English teaching to alt English language teaching has become an urgent need.
The purpose of this research project: students learning through the Alt Ecation Survey of strategy and improve their learning methods and learning strategies, and to improve learning efficiency and quality, to make learning more autonomy, to lay a solid foundation for future learning, so life benefit. Language acquisition theory and practice tells us: the cognitive learning strategies in foreign language learning process plays an important role. Language ability of the formation, development depends on the mastery of language knowledge, and knowledge into ability to really require strategy as an intermediary. In its own under the same conditions, to learn foreign languages on the premise that effective learning strategies to master English, the efficiency and success of learning and science, and effective use of learning strategies to master and has a close relationship. Active only when the students who want to learn how to understand learning, learning in order to obtain the desired results. Over the years, many students spend a lot of time and effort, but the effect of learning English is still far from ideal, it seriously hurt their self-confidence. Although there are many reasons, but the most fundamental reason is that students do not master effective language learning methods and learning strategies (Cheng Xiaotang, 2002:3). This phenomenon is more prominent alt students. "Alt English Teaching Requirements" clearly: Alt English as "skills-oriented, applied for the purpose" to train students for teaching target language proficiency. However, as the Alt Ecation Students common the following characteristics: 1) school foreign language mixed results, most very low. 2) English foundation is weak, studying difficult. 3) Most students continue to use the high school, learning methods, but the word back to study grammar, reading text, do exercises. 4) Some students even begin to lose interest in English study.5) age difference is large (part of graating students of the lower scorers, the other is for the community into the separate examinations). The community who also made a high demand: we must have the appropriate oral and written English and also have relevant professional knowledge to meet future employment needs. In addition to the requirement to improve the teacher's teaching ability, the most important thing is to mobilize the student's enthusiasm, autonomous learning ability, according to the environment, English academic characteristics, students in their own cases, knowledge and appropriate use of effective learning strategies, and self-learning consciousness and self-learning ability. Studies show, Research findings have suggested an close association between language learning strategy use and English proficiency among learners of ESL. In addition, the groups learning strategies can improve on this group of English teaching. In contemporary English teaching, communicative approach has been widely used, which give full play to the positive role of students as subjects, students in the teaching activities are not passive acceptance, but should be actively involved and to their knowledge experience and interest in incentive-based system to acquire knowledge, to learn what kind of strategy, will directly affect the study results, teachers only fully aware of the learning strategy, in order to adjust their teaching strategies and teaching methods, and timely and correct guide the students learning strategies to improve teaching quality, so this group of English learning strategies and guidance, both theory and practice are of great significance. Therefore, the learning strategies of investigation and research into teaching students to understand the English language learning situation, to improve learning outcomes and the quality is very necessary and very urgent.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 00:59

Alt ecation in higher ecation is an important part of, therefore, to learn more about students and students, students, according to their specific situations, the introction and training of learning strategies for alts into every aspect of English teaching in alt English teaching has become the urgent need.
This research aims to: through the provision of students' learning strategies, improve their study of learning methods and learning strategies, and improve the learning efficiency and quality, make them more autonomous learning for learning, laying a solid foundation, make its lifetime. Language acquisition theories and practice tells us: learning strategies in the cognitive process of foreign language learning plays an extremely important role. Language ability of the formation, development relies on the language knowledge, and knowledge to real into ability requires an intermediary strategy. In its own conditions under the condition of invariable, learn foreign language is the premise of mastering effective learning of English learning strategies, the efficiency and success and scientific and effective learning strategies of master and have a close relationship. Only when students want to learn and know how to learn, learning may obtain the ideal effect. Over the years, many students spend a lot of time and energy, but learning English is not an ideal effect still contusing badly, their confidence. Although there are many reasons, but the root causes for most students have mastered is effective method of learning English and learning strategies ChengXiaoTang (2002:3). This kind of phenomenon in the provision of more outstanding students. The alt English teaching requirements of alt English teaching to put forward: "practical give priority to, for the purpose of application, to cultivate students' ability of using language teaching goal. However, e to the widespread characteristics of alt ecation students following: 1) the entrance, most foreign language achievement uneven is very low. 2) English foundation is weak, study hard. 3) most students under high school learning methods, just memorizing words and grammar, reading the text study, doing exercises. 4) lose to express that over the use in an age of 5), is part of the university entrance exam is (low, another part is separately for society of exam. But for them and put forward higher requirement: neither shall have corresponding abilities of listening, speaking and must have corresponding specialized knowledge of English, in order to adapt to the needs of future employment. The teacher's teaching requirements besides improving ability, the most important is to mobilize the enthusiasm of students, and cultivation of students' autonomous learning ability, according to the environment, English, students' characteristics, the master and proper use of effective learning strategies, forming self learning awareness and ability of independent learning. Studies show that many have true decorative an closely between language learning.md businesses use and proficiency of ESL learners someone spending in the community, through the Research of learning strategies in this group can improve the English teaching. In contemporary college English teaching, communication method has been widely applied, it gives full play to the positive role of students as the main body, the student in the teaching activity not passive acceptance, but should actively participate in their knowledge and experience in system and motivation to acquire knowledge based, what kind of learning strategies, it will directly affect the learning effect, the teacher fully understanding students' learning strategies, in order to adjust their teaching strategies and teaching methods, and timely rectification and guiding students learning strategies, and to improve the teaching quality of this group, so the study of English learning strategies, both theory and practice are still has an important significance. Therefore, learning strategies of investigation and research to understand the current students' English learning resource, improve the quality and effectiveness of study is very necessary, but also very urgent.

你不是说你想吃中国的饼干吗?You say you want some Chinese biscuits?所以我就问你地址啊,That's whay I ask where do you live?如果我知道怎么寄给你的话,If I know how to mail them to you,我会寄给你的。I would mail them to you....




I don't want to explain anything, but I am hurt badly.


I am sorry, could not protect you, make you hurt. Excuse me, did not work on your performance on the stage when you sit in the audience cheering for you cry, we love to love, sad it?


Waching the FALLING snow in Sakhalin Island 我不太满意这两句的翻译,因为fishing和drawing bow字数不对应。。黑海之滨垂钓 Fishing at the shore of Black Sea 贝加尔湖张弓 Drawing bow by the side of Lake Baikal 不是自夸,我很喜欢自己翻的最后一段,wherever和whoever有呼应感~呵呵 另外grandb...


I will try to apply for the visa to Republic of Korea as soon as possible, and I am looking forward to meeting you.Republic of Korea,简称ROC是韩国的官方名称,即大韩民国,比较正式,有点类似中国的英文全称是Peoples Republic of China,简称PRC,也可以用South Korea,即为南韩或者南朝鲜...



请教翻译高手几句话(中译英)--机器翻译等勿进 谢谢

1.A bettle laid on the stone,desperately kicking its skinny legs.She carefully helped flip it over.2.The kids bent down,net in hand,trying to catch the dragonfly.She shook a branch to chase the dragonfly away.3.The bee wallowed in the dirt and continued to crawl drowsily ...


我也在等答案 有了跟我说声

八点半交友会所、综合酥、非入住者勿进怎么翻译 英语

speed dating club, integrated party---started at eight o'clock, only peole live here can enter.



汉译英在线翻译 汉译英 在线翻译免费 - 百度 汉译英在线翻译句子 英翻中文在线翻译 青云翻译在线翻译 百度翻译器在线翻译 有道翻译在线翻译拍照 英译汉和汉译英 汉译英翻译方法
高考为什么要考体育 ...开门就窜进来白蛇,黑蛇,紧紧的缠绕着我,也不咬我。。好像要亲我是... 别墅厨房放在哪方好 电脑开机后显示器黑屏键盘灯不亮主机红灯不亮无滴声 电脑开机蓝灯亮红灯不亮,键盘鼠标没反应,显示器打印机只有电源无反_百 ... 笔记本电脑黑屏,按电源键或拔插销都不能关机,其他按键也都没反应,求... ...器就黑屏,而且显示器开关不停的闪烁,试过拔掉插销,但是还是那样的情 ... 三人自驾若尔盖3天消费多少,三天若尔盖旅游路线 十几分钟就死机黑屏,主机还在转,还不能重启,只能拔插销 电脑开机就工作,然后黑屏,关不上机器,得拔插销。 2010年河北省人事考试网公务员报名怎么样生成报名序号呀? 我是河北唐山人,2010年在江西毕业,我想报2010年河北省公*,请问具体什么时候,是上半年还是下半 请问2010年河北省公*报名条件是什么时候啊?、大专学历能考试不?。。 谢谢 2010年河北省的公务员考试是什么时候报名? 2010年河北省公务员考试报名时间及考试科目 2010年河北省公务员考试是什么时间?注意是报名时间 谢谢 河北省2010年公务员资料 2010年河北省报考公务员的要求和时间 河北省2010年.公务员考试!!! 谁知道2010年河北省公务员什么时候出公告、考试啊??? 2010年河北省各个公务员的考试时间和报名时间 宝骏560安装氙气灯是选择远光的,还是远近一体的 宝骏560前大灯罩上的黑色胶条叫什么,原来的老化了想自己淘一对不知道叫什么? LEDH9灯炮能装在宝竣560上行吧 6500瓦热水器的电线负荷 功率6000瓦的即热式电热水器入户线需要多少平方的 我的华为手机如何设置不卡顿? 我是2010年5月底被确定为预备党员的,一名大四的学生(团支书,并已实习)现求4篇思想汇报与1篇转正申请 天津贷款最低首付款比例为30% 是公积金贷款吗 北京有房公积金贷款,无商贷,天津无房算首套还是二套,天津首付比例最低多少? 2010年3月份河北省有公务员考试吗? 中译英句子在线翻译,交作业啊。。。 北京的翻译培训哪个好?策马?元培?甲申同文?中译? 中译英翻译 在线等 中译日。在线等。不要翻译器。 中译英 在线等!!!(谢绝翻译机) 求中译英,要求专业翻译,不要在线翻译软件译出的,在线等 比热容大的物质和比热容小的物质有什么区别??请仔细帮我解释一下_百度... 两个物体的比热容大小不同,会由此产生什么区别? *质量的概念?其发展维度?并设计具体的测量指标。什么影响百姓对*的看法?什么决定了*质量? 比热容得大小跟什么有关 城市土地相对郊区的热容量大,比热容小?请问有什么区别? 比热容不同的两种物质吸收热量有什么不同,哪种物质最能吸热? 固态,液态,气态的比热容大小是怎样的请以科学的方 比热大小的问题 比较水和沙土比热的大小,说说海洋和陆地会对气候产生什么不同的影响. 高中生物:关于嘧啶和嘌呤的小问题,急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急 啥是“嘌呤”和“嘧啶”求解 嘧啶和嘌呤有什么需别? 嘌呤和嘧啶碱基合成的不同 嘌呤和嘧啶是啥?高中生好奇