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歌词里有 未啊脚嗯 未啊。。。 的歌是什么

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 14:37



热心网友 时间:2023-05-13 20:07


You like a storm against the window
Follow me around just like a shadow
I swim the never ending ocean
Until you bring back your devotion
It's like I live a thousand lifetime
Still looking for the one that feels like
See moving on just isn't working
You left a fire here that I'll burn in
And all I've been doing is forget it?
A life for the sake of my pride
Follow the others had me thinking
We could be more than just amazing
I guess I'm holding on to my thing
A silent hope I'm heading your way
And tryin' on is just so tempty
We could be more than just amazing
And all I've been doing is forget it?
A life for the sake of my pride
Follow the others had me thinking
We could be more than just amazing
I couldn't see it
I must have believed a lie
If I had made it
Would you let me make it right

Is it all wrong

Oh no
Say all

We could be more than just
We could be more than just amazing
And all I've been doing is forget it?
A life for the sake of my pride
Follow the others had me thinking
We could be more than just amazing
And all I've been doing is forget it?
A life for the sake of my pride
Follow the others had me thinking
Straigt to the point of what I'm feeling
We could be more than just amazing

热心网友 时间:2023-05-13 20:08

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