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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-26 07:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 10:22


  Customization of command keyboard shortcuts can be accomplished by creating a file called "CustomKeys.txt" in the installed folder of Warcraft III. Entries in this file will override the existing default shortcuts. Additionally this file can be used to override default tooltips. The only utility required to create this custom file is a simple text editor such as Notepad. Once a customization file has been created in the installed folder, the gameplay option "Custom Keys" must be set to 'ON' in order for Warcraft III to actually use the data in the custom file.

  PLEASE NOTE: Blizzard Entertainment will not provide technical support for problems associated with data contained in "CustomKeys.txt." Blizzard Entertainment will not provide support related to using "CustomKeys.txt." Add entries to "CustomKeys.txt" at you own risk. Blizzard Entertainment will not and does not provide support or endorse the use of any 3rd party utilities to populate or modify entries in "CustomKeys.txt." Blizzard does not recommend the use of 3rd party utilities to populate or modify "CustomKeys.txt." The use of 3rd party utilities to populate or modify "CustomKeys.txt" is at your own risk.


  In all, data for the following keyboard shortcut entries can be customized:
  - Hotkey
  - Unhotkey
  - Researchhotkey

  The entry for a custom key must be uppercase. A sample entry in "CustomKeysSample.txt" to customize the keyboard shortcut to train an Orc Grunt as 'T' would look like:


  Certain actions have a series of hotkeys associated with the action. (For example, a melee weapon upgrade might have 3 levels of upgrade, thus facilities for 3 unique hotkeys for each level.) A sample entry to customize the keys to 'X', 'Y', and 'Z' respectively for each level of the Human melee weapon upgrade would look like:


  Other actions have distinct hotkeys for activation and deactivation. (For example, the footman ability Defend.) A sample entry to change the activate/deactivate hotkeys to 'A' and 'B' respectively for the footman's defend ability would look like:


  The hotkey for a hero to learn an ability is indicated in an entry called "Researchhotkey". A sample entry to change the hotkey to 'U' for learning the Paladin ability resurrection would look like:


  Note that if the same key is assigned to multiple actions on a single unit, while Warcraft III will still run fine, the result of using that key is not defined, and only one of the actions will work. Also note that many abilities are used with multiple units, so while a key conflict may not exist with one unit, it may on another.


  The following button position entries can be customized:
  - Buttonpos
  - Unbuttonpos
  - Researchbuttonpos

  The locations of buttons in a unit's command card can be customized as well. The position is define by an x,y where x=0 is the leftmost button column, x=3 is the rightmost button column, y=0 is the topmost button row, and y=2 is the bottommost button row. A sample entry to position the button to train a grunt in the middle row in the rightmost column would look like:


  Note that if more than one button is placed at the same location on a single unit that Warcraft III will attempt to reposition one of the conflicting buttons, but the priority for repositioning is undefined. Also not that if Warcraft III is unable to reposition a button that button will not appear in the command panel, rendering that ability unusable. Also note that many abilities are used with multiple units, so while a position conflict may not exist with one unit, it may on another. Change button positions at your own risk.


  If desired, tooltips can be customized to match customized keyboard shortcuts. In all, tooltip data for the following tip entries can be customized:
  - Tip
  - Untip
  - Researchtip
  - Revivetip (tip for reviving heroes at altars)
  - Awakentip (tip for reviving heroes at the tavern)

  Additional tooltip entries to match the above keyboard entries would look like the following:

  Tip=Train Orc Grunt (T)

  Tip=Upgrade to Iron Forged swords (X),Upgrade to Steel Forged Swords (Y),Upgrade to Mithril Forged Swords (Z)

  Tip=Defend (A)
  Untip=Stop Defend (B)

  Researchtip=Learn Resurrection (U)


  Indivial characters or blocks of characters can be customized to display in contrasting colors. This is accomplished via "escape sequences" embedded into the text. The escape sequence format is "|cARGB" where ARGB are hexadecimal values for alpha, red, green, and blue. The escape sequence to revert to the previous color is "|r". So to highlight the hotkey in yellow for one of the above tooltips, the entry would look like:

  Tip=Train Orc Grunt (|cffffcc00T|r)

  Have fun tailoring the hotkeys and tooltips of Warcraft III to your style of play!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 10:22

绩效工资从工资里扣合法吗 无人机电机轴的主要功能有哪些? 闽侯南通多久发展 南通哪个位置最有潜力 南通未来的机遇有哪些 江苏南通的发展前景怎么样 南通这座城市未来发展前景怎样 我女儿阳历08年01月08日出生,{农历07年腊月初一}请高人帮忙改个名字... 我女儿是2012年1月10日10:35分出生的五行缺什么,取什么名字好 这种图片效果怎么做出来的,不是纯白板,仔细看有一个个均匀分布的小圆点... 我的魔兽争霸customkey.txt找不到 我的魔兽争霸不对劲~~~急··· 《我的魔兽世界》txt全集下载 七号喊的汪涵是什么意思 非阻塞的read 和write会被信号中断吗 DNF:江山如画下面的诗句,表达了什么意思? 求一个好用的数据恢复软件用来恢复被删除的照片 移动硬盘里面的 接触器抖动合不上 花甲如何生宝宝 win10系统的戴尔笔记本想恢复出厂设置,出现这个东西是什么意思 碧翠园豆浆粉保质期 宝宝可以喝豆浆粉吗 风力发电的安全合理化建议有些什么,大家给我提提。 聚宝盆,100两变1000两是多少集? 电视剧《聚宝盆》一共有多少集? 聚宝盆有多少集 上古卷轴5结婚时不开始。新娘一直说话。就是不开始 上古卷轴5结婚卡bug,任务一直是加入婚礼,宣誓完了也是。而且宣誓完了女的就走了,之后也没有对话选项 环球都能干什么 环球是什么卡真实吗? 《魔兽之我是血精灵战士》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源 急!急!急!有关魔兽世界的所有小说 最好是TXT格式的 能下载更好 我的邮箱是mxf.395390360@163.com 我下载了魔兽争霸版本转换器为什么说无法打开配置文件settings.txt 魔兽世界官方小说全集txt下载 16本+黑暗精灵全套和冰风谷全套 请发我邮箱150597561@qq.com 你觉得张家辉和杨紫主演的《沉默的证人》有哪些看点? 沉默的证人为啥把刘老师演死 你好可以提供点PLC远程控制的资料吗?我想做一个远程液位控制系统,非常感谢 wish平台上传多少个产品才能进入首页 wish首页的latest是表达的什么 想给宝宝取名字 姓 上官 想取两个字的名字 不知道是男孩女孩 十几个人玩的简单游戏 适合消磨时间的多人简单游戏 有没有消磨时间的游戏呢? 有什么休闲的游戏可以打发时间? 手机还原后手机存档还在吗? 三星s5可以安装fm发射器吗? 2022年生肖兔的运势,属兔2022年运势完整版 兔年2022年运势及运程,属兔金牛座2022年命运 属兔人2022年运势运程,2021年属兔人每月运势及运程? 1987年2022年的运势,1987年属兔2022年运势及运程女性 每日衣服颜色穿搭,男人的衣服的颜色怎样搭配才好看