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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-14 01:50



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 21:39

Lightning monitoring and warning about
Keywords: lightning, monitoring, early warning


According to statistics, each year by lightning is very large economic losses. To this end, the state has increased support for the work on the Lightning. Have been promulgated and implemented in this year's "national meteorological disaster prevention planning" and "Meteorological Disasters Regulations", are all made clear that lightning disaster prevention.

Since entering May, China has experienced many large-scale weather, heavy rain, lightning and weather also will debut. According to meteorological experts, China is a very frequent thunderstorm country, the annual April to September is the high incidence of lightning in China, of which, 5 months to 8 months of more frequent lightning storms, causing the disaster are also more prominent.

According to statistics, each year by lightning is very large economic losses. To this end, the state has increased support for the work on the Lightning. Have been promulgated and implemented in this year's "national meteorological disaster prevention planning" and "Meteorological Disasters Regulations", are all made clear that lightning disaster prevention.

Meanwhile, the meteorological department is also committed to carry out related research, early warning and forecasting technology and methods in the lightning, business applications, artificially triggered lightning, comprehensive observations of natural lightning has made a series of experimental results. In order to minimize the losses caused by lightning, in recent years, meteorological departments continue to strengthen monitoring and forecasting forecasting of lightning at the same time, launched a short-term forecasting and prediction of potential business, and strengthen the scientific propaganda to make sense of the broad masses of the lightning protection has also been rising.

It is understood that the meteorological departments through lightning warning method to improve the lightning warning system, development of evaluation software procts lightning warning, and constantly improve the lightning warning and forecast procts, test methods. Also, because mine is mine standard technical support for the development of disaster rection as well as meteorological departments carry out the mine disaster rection management functions of public services and an important basis for social, meteorological departments to intensify the mine standards. Currently, the mine has been approved to develop the instry standard of 50 weather, lightning protection standards have been published 16. Meteorological departments are focused on building and mine risk rection is closely related to the legal system, business system and a comprehensive management system for disaster prevention and mitigation, to demand as a comprehensive promotion and implementation of standards related to lightning, the whole society, instry-wide compliance and implementation of standards of consciousness and initiative.

Lightning monitoring and warning system in China Academy of Meteorological Sciences Lightning Physics and Protection Engineering Laboratory developed in 2008. During the Olympic Games in Beijing, the system for the lightning warning services play an important role. At present, Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei, Yunnan, Henan, Chongqing, Qing, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang provinces and cities to use this system to conct the lightning warning weather service. The system uses a multi-data, multi-parameter and multi-algorithm integration of lightning near the warning method to comprehensive utilization of radar, satellite, lightning monitoring system, the ground electric field instrument and sounding instrument, such as observational data and weather situation and forecast procts from electrical thunderstorm discharge mode in combination with identification, tracking and extrapolation method and decision tree algorithms, to achieve the automatic generation of lightning warning procts to improve early warning of lightning and lightning mitigation service capabilities.
China's major natural disasters around the lightning monitoring and defense of national needs for weather forecasting, aerospace and defense instries and the application of major projects, to carry out lightning detection and early warning of key technology and equipment, developed with independent intellectual property rights.
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