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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-14 21:09



热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 08:16

Greetings. The item is filled with high quality 100% PP cotton and conforms with all health standards. If your payment is received on December 17th, we will ship out the item the next day, on December 18th. It should take anywhere from 3 to 10 days for the item to reach your address in the U.S., most probably 5 days. However, since sometimes a shipment to the U.S. can take longer, we can not guarantee delivery by Christmas, December 24th.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 08:16

hello! It's full filled with qualified 100% pp cotton, absoulutely no harm to health.

If you pay the bill on Dec/17th ,We will arrange to send to you tomorrow ,it need 3 to 10 days arrive to America.

Usually,it need 5 days,but some times it may slower, so we can not 100 percentage guarantee it can be arrive to you before christmas.....


热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 08:17

thank you for your last letter/fax/call.We assure you that these paddings/filler(看你是什么填充物了)are green proct,with high quality of 100%PPcotton and free from any pollutant.Should you make payment today ie Dec.17,we will deliver the goods tomorrow.Shipping needs 3-10 days to US,but usually takes (about)5 days.建议不要太啰嗦,就直接说五天左右.But we can't guarantee the goods will arrive before X-mas 24.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 08:17

How are you!
it is filled with high-quality 100% PP cotton, is very healthy. If you pay on December 17, we will send it tomorrow (December 18),It will take 3 to 10 days to USA, Usually 5 days. But occasionally Slower, so we can not guarantee that things will be sent before Christmas .

热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 08:18

Hi,it is filled with 100% high quality PP cotten,which is absolutely good for health.if you pay on 17th.Nov,we will dilivery goods on 18th,Nov.arriving in America need 3-10 days,usually five days,sometimes it will need more time.therefore,we can not completely ensure that you can get it before the chritmas day.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-17 08:19

Hello, this thing is filled with high-quality 100% PP cotton, is healthy. If you pay on December 17, we will be tomorrow on the 18th sent to the United States needs 3-10 days. Usual 5 days. But occasionally Slower, so we can not guarantee that things will be reached before Christmas on the 24th.
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