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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-08 20:19



热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 02:55

This era has been called as 'screen world', indeed the advent of advanced smart phones and tanlet PCs make our life much more convenient. However, recently, people started to realise the pitfalls of those electric devices. Firstly, as alwasy claimed by oculist, the radition from the screens is extremely bad and even harmful to eyes, especfially for teenagers. Besides, some sociologists blame the lack of interpersonal social activities to smart phones, because people can texting, using voice call or facetime to communicate with each other, however, this is far more different from real social interaction, in the future, probably the lack of real-world idea exchange can lead to certain social problems, e.g. aloof relationship even between parents and kids. In addition, talking on the phone for a long time can cause damage to the brain for sure, which may resulted in symptoms like headache, nauseated feelings or inappetence.

Mobile phones can cause a range of problems, for example, talking on the phone for a long time can cause damage to the brain for sure, which may resulted in symptoms like headache, nauseated feelings or inappetence. Besides, social network created by telecommunication device is far away from real social interactions, which can even estrange people's relationship. Therefore, the pitfalls and harmfullness of moeble phones must be solved or at least mitigate as soon as possible. Firstly, when we are talking on the phone, we can actually use headphone instead of placing the device to ears directly. Moveover, it is very vital to make sure your mobile is shut off when you are sleeping and keep it away at least 3 meters away from you. Finally, since on one likes to talk on phone or texting with each other when you are seating together in person, as a result, do not staring on the screen when you are having dinner with your family or firends, which is really helpful to improve the level of intimacy between you and those nice people.
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