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题为hero in my mind 的英文演讲稿 初一水平

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-06 00:15



热心网友 时间:2023-06-27 04:10

In my mind, there is a movie named “Hero”. It is very famous and gets a lot of awards in the world. In the films, superman or spiderman is the real hero in people mind because they can save human beings who are in danger. And they can protect the city from being destroyed. In fact, the word hero is a blurry concept for us we just regard the person who has special power using it to save people. Because of these, it seems that we do not care more about the true hero around us. They are existing exactly. Hero in my mind is the soldiers who have ever struggled against flood to save people contributing to their own precious lives. That is a moving story and I want to say I love them and admire them. In summer when the floods are coming, hundreds of fields, towns, houses and roads are destroyed by the floodwater. People do not have houses to live, do not have food to eat and even do not have pure water to drink. And some people’ lives are in danger because they are still in the house not escaping out. The diseases are spreading at the same time. After getting the order, thousands of soldiers go to front line to save people, build temporary tents for people to live and carry food and pure water there. They jump into the water using their bodies to fight against the severe flood. Some soldiers die disappearing in the yellow water unluckily and they are so young. I am so moved that I do not know which words can be used to describe their spirit. At last, I just want to say they are the best and they are the hero in my mind. I love my hero.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-27 04:10


热心网友 时间:2023-06-27 04:11


热心网友 时间:2023-06-27 04:11


热心网友 时间:2023-06-27 04:12

hero in my mind
when i was a llittle girl/boy, i thoght my parents are the hero in my mind.Now, i also think my parents are the hero.they know everything like a learned book,they tell me how to be a good student and help me to do something .there is a thing in my mind ,one day ,i forget my textbook at home .and i found it when i arrive at school.but when i pick up my bag ,it is in the bag .why? because my mother put it in my bag last night.Dad and Mum ,you are the hero in my mind forever.
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