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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-01 03:42



热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 11:57

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hnoedDLmkNlLofarEhy3PQ

 提取码: pamm    


热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 11:57

《Through your eyes》
Look at that cloud
As high as a tree
At least that’s how it looks to me
How about you?
What do you see?
What if we see things differently?
Show me
How the world looks through you eyes
Tell me about the sunrise
Let me see the stars shine
Show me
How the world looks through you eyes
And I can show you how it looks through mine
If I had wings
And I could fly
I would tell you all about the sky
How about you?
If dreams came true
What do you imagine you could do?
Oh, show me
How the world looks through you eyes
Tell me about the sunrise
Let me see the stars shine
Show me
How the world looks through you eyes
And I can show you how it looks through mine
And I could show you secret trails
Where no one’s ever gone
I bet you’ve got secrets too
So don’t be shy
Come on, come on, come on
Come on and show me
How the world looks through you eyes
Tell me about the sunrise
Let me see the stars shine
Show me
How the world looks through you eyes
And I can show you how it looks through mine
Come on and show me
Yeah, yeah~

《There is life》
Under the snow
Beneath the frozen streams
There is life
You have to know
When nature sleeps
She dreams
There is life
And the colder the winter
The warmer the spring
The deeper the sorrow
The more our hearts sing
Even when you can’t see it
Inside everything
There is life
After the rain
The sun will reappear
There is life
After the pain
The joy will still be here
There is life
For it’s out of darkness
That we learn to see
And out of the silence
That song come to be
And all that we dream
of awaits patiently
There is life
There is life

热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 11:58

这个还真是很难找哦。你可以搜”《Through your eyes》“和《There is life》,可以在酷狗音乐,还有土豆等视频网站上可以听到的哦。
《Through your eyes》
Look at that cloud
As high as a tree
At least that’s how it looks to me
How about you?
What do you see?
What if we see things differently?
Show me
How the world looks through you eyes
Tell me about the sunrise
Let me see the stars shine
Show me
How the world looks through you eyes
And I can show you how it looks through mine
If I had wings
And I could fly
I would tell you all about the sky
How about you?
If dreams came true
What do you imagine you could do?
Oh, show me
How the world looks through you eyes
Tell me about the sunrise
Let me see the stars shine
Show me
How the world looks through you eyes
And I can show you how it looks through mine
And I could show you secret trails
Where no one’s ever gone
I bet you’ve got secrets too
So don’t be shy
Come on, come on, come on
Come on and show me
How the world looks through you eyes
Tell me about the sunrise
Let me see the stars shine
Show me
How the world looks through you eyes
And I can show you how it looks through mine
Come on and show me
Yeah, yeah~

《There is life》
Under the snow
Beneath the frozen streams
There is life
You have to know
When nature sleeps
She dreams
There is life
And the colder the winter
The warmer the spring
The deeper the sorrow
The more our hearts sing
Even when you can’t see it
Inside everything
There is life
After the rain
The sun will reappear
There is life
After the pain
The joy will still be here
There is life
For it’s out of darkness
That we learn to see
And out of the silence
That song come to be
And all that we dream
of awaits patiently
There is life
There is life

热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 11:58


小鹿斑比2.Bambi II - 原声.O.S.T

迪士尼1942年推出经典动画电影【小鹿斑比】(Bambi) ,在阔别多年之后,迪士尼卡通电影部门又於2006年春季推出了全新制作的续集作品【小鹿斑比2】(Bambi 2),在美国本地片名则为【Bambi II】。本片会在欧洲地区某些戏院上映,美国本地和其他地区则还是以直接发行影音产品的方式首度推出。

热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 11:59


There Is Life(Performed by Alison Krauss)

Under the snow, beneath frozen stream, there is life.
You have to know when nature sleeps, she dreams, there is life.
And the colder the winter, the warmer the spring.
Even when you can't see it inside everything, there is life.
After the rain, the sun will reappear, there is life.
After the pain, the joy will still be there, there is life.
For it's out of the darkness that we learn to see,
And out of the silence that songs come to be,
And all that we dream of awaits patiently,
There is life. There is life.
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