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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-25 19:03



热心网友 时间:2023-04-26 02:42
















(United States) Carol Moore Di Zhenxiang / compile

Mother's Day evening, year-old son from kindergarten back out into the fleshy little hand in front of me: "Mom, happy holidays." He looked up, little face out the window early spring as the warm sun in February. Hanjin Jin's hand in his, a small little pieces of sugar, was heart-shape, also engraved on the top three words: I love you.

"Mom, this is Mary to me, I did not willing to eat, afraid of losing, has been Jinjinzuanzhao you eat." He said, while the sugar into my hands. A layer of mist spread out in front of my eyes a bit fuzzy.

"Mom, you do not want to eat it?" His blue eyes staring at me closely, eager to explore the answer from my face. I carefully looked at the piece of pink sugar, brown around the edges, like hanging a layer of soil, I am secretly a little rub with your fingers, but not erased.

"Of course eat friends. Baby." I perfunctory. What is this brown stuff is Zangtu sugar or what accessories?

"Mom, you do not know, in the school bathroom, I almost lose it and it fell to the ground, rolled underneath the sink, take a great of strength to me before you get it out to do." Jubilant son , the proud as if to complete a difficult task.

"I first put it that, while eat right?" Then, I put sugar on the kitchen worktop. Heart Ancun, so I dispose of this sugar, I want to spray a lot more efficient sterilization of detergent, a good wash console. However, how can the son sent away from the front of it, like leave him around like a little shadow.

"You go out and play it, son." I patted his shoulder.

"No, I think your mother." He was adamant.

Son want with me! This cute little man child, I put the past been the cradle, gently rocked to sleep villain children, in the past once fluffy little head looked the villain of my arms to sleep child, pink toot cheeks, innocent smile. He will soon grow up, grow into a strong young man and then leave. Well, Carol, I quietly said to myself, enjoy a good piece of candy, even though it is dirty, the above bacteria than the toilet may be even more on a washer, but this is left to your son special gift, He took the whole day, and happily eat it, otherwise his son will be sad.

Has been determined, I turned resolutely toward the kitchen desk, on hand to touch the sugar in the moment, the doorbell rang, and her husband back, "Hey, how was today, baby?" He asked, casually came to hand, grabbed the piece of candy, into his mouth, smiling, chewing up, I took a deep breath: "Very good, especially if you come back, and I feel really great. "I tell the truth. Husband does not care, in the kitchen in a circle, Duojin the study. Left me and my son.

"Sorry, son, I did not personally try to give you my gift." I said, "but I no thanks, thank you, baby."

"Never mind, mother." He magnanimously said, "In fact, it does not taste good, my friends Ryan, everyone licking a few bites, we all do that, so I decided to take it as a gift to you. "

参考资料:《读者》2011 10期

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