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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-28 18:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 11:21


George and Helen are going on a trip to Zhangjia Jie.张家界

George: hello, darling, are you all set? We have to go now.
Helen: not yet, George. I ‘m still packing up things.
George: darling, why are you taking such a big suitcase? It’s only a 4
day trip. Tell me what you put in here?
Helen: our clothes, of course. I was told that it might be cold on the top
of the mountain. So I take our light jackets薄夹克 with us.
George: Why are you taking towels毛巾 and slippers拖鞋? There are
plenty in the hotel.
Helen: I prefer to use my own.
George: why are you taking so many medicines?
Helen: well, you never know what will happen. Remember you had a
diarrhea拉肚子 last time we went to Jiao Zai Gou九寨沟.
Thank god I brought Imodium拉肚药 with me. So I have a little
bit of these and a little bit of that just in case.
George: but darling why are you taking a mini fan 迷你风扇with you?
Helen: It’s very hot there. At least I can have some air wherever I go.
George: anyway, we got to go or we will be late.
Helen: wait a minute. I forgot the sun lotion防晒油. We definitely need
George: darling, I am begging you. We got to go now. We can always
buy things in the local areas, right?
Helen: George, where is the camera相机? We can’t go without a
George: It’s right on top of the drawer. Let me help you pack up. We
really got to go.
Helen: Ok. Off we go. George!
George: what is it?
Helen: Where are our I Ds (identification cards身份证)?
George: oh my God!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 11:22

般用的词典 用牛津高阶英汉汉英双解词典 挺好的 我用的
商业英语词典 不知道 用朗文不错吧 老师推荐的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 11:21


George and Helen are going on a trip to Zhangjia Jie.张家界

George: hello, darling, are you all set? We have to go now.
Helen: not yet, George. I ‘m still packing up things.
George: darling, why are you taking such a big suitcase? It’s only a 4
day trip. Tell me what you put in here?
Helen: our clothes, of course. I was told that it might be cold on the top
of the mountain. So I take our light jackets薄夹克 with us.
George: Why are you taking towels毛巾 and slippers拖鞋? There are
plenty in the hotel.
Helen: I prefer to use my own.
George: why are you taking so many medicines?
Helen: well, you never know what will happen. Remember you had a
diarrhea拉肚子 last time we went to Jiao Zai Gou九寨沟.
Thank god I brought Imodium拉肚药 with me. So I have a little
bit of these and a little bit of that just in case.
George: but darling why are you taking a mini fan 迷你风扇with you?
Helen: It’s very hot there. At least I can have some air wherever I go.
George: anyway, we got to go or we will be late.
Helen: wait a minute. I forgot the sun lotion防晒油. We definitely need
George: darling, I am begging you. We got to go now. We can always
buy things in the local areas, right?
Helen: George, where is the camera相机? We can’t go without a
George: It’s right on top of the drawer. Let me help you pack up. We
really got to go.
Helen: Ok. Off we go. George!
George: what is it?
Helen: Where are our I Ds (identification cards身份证)?
George: oh my God!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 11:22

般用的词典 用牛津高阶英汉汉英双解词典 挺好的 我用的
商业英语词典 不知道 用朗文不错吧 老师推荐的
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