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misc debit 和memo debit是什么意思?求助!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 19:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:33

我也遇到类似的!我的是前面date是pending,后面type是misc debit,但description就和你不一样了……
“Pending Transactions

The Date column on your Account Activity page
shows pending transactions that have not yet
posted to your account (reflected with a date of "Pending"), as well as items
that have been posted (reflected with the post date, e.g.,
07/11/2011). To understand the difference between the two, it's helpful to
review the posting process.

When you use a debit card
to pay a merchant, or you initiate a deposit, withdrawal or
transfer to your account, you authorize the transaction amount.
These transactions will not be posted to your account until the bank receives
and processes them.

For most merchant transactions, the merchant knows
the exact amount of the transaction and asks you to authorize that amount. For
example, if you buy $82.75 worth of groceries, the market would ask you to
authorize an $82.75 charge or debit to your account. That amount would then
appear as a pending transaction on your Account Summary until it was posted.

Sometimes, though, the merchant doesn't know the transaction amount
until after the purchase is complete. A good example of this is at the gas pump.
Before you fill your tank, you're asked to swipe your debit card to approve your
purchase. A $1 charge may be placed on your account temporarily until
it's replaced with the actual purchase amount. For example, if your
gasoline purchase is $22.50, then that amount will be paid to the merchant and
posted to your account. However, you may see a $1 charge in the pending
transaction section of your My Accounts page for 1 to 3 days until the merchant
submits the actual amount of your purchase. You should always immediately dect
the actual purchase amount from your balance, even though it could take a few
days for the money to be taken out of your account. ”

概括来讲,就是这些虽然还在pending状态中,也不是一般的debit card transaction,但没有实质区别,只是划款的人或者商家还没有最后确定金额,最后提交给银行,所以钱可能还没有真的从你的账户上扣去。
估计lz的8900是被学校扣了?然后描述就是memo debit?一看这个问题已经过去很久了………………不过聊作解答吧希望对后来人有所帮助

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:34

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