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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-29 12:05



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 04:53

Once the landspp warning is issued , temporary shelters will be provided by the home affairs department
在山泥倾泻警告发出后,民政事务总署将开放 临时庇护 站。

Once the landspp warning is issued , temporary shelters will be provided by the home affairs department
在山泥倾泻警告发出后,民政事务总署将开放 临时庇护 站。

The above facipties , together with the temporary shelter as well as the exterior and interior walls of the centre were refurbished in 2002
上述设施,连同内外墻壁及可设立于中心内的 临时庇护 中心已于

People having no safe place to go may take temporary refuge in any of the special temporary shelters opened by the home affairs department
市民如无法找到安全地方,可到民政事务总署辖下的 临时庇护 中心暂避。

Jakarta withdrew its ambassador to austrapa in protest after it gave temporary asylum to 42 separatists from indonesia ' s papua province
在澳大利亚给来自印尼巴布亚省的42个*分子 临时庇护 后,雅加达撤回了驻澳大使,以示*。

Provides temporary shelters for people in need . when the cold weather warning or the very hot weather warning is issued by the hong kong observatory , the department will open temporary cold shelters or temporary night heat shelters
则为有需要人士设立 临时庇护 中心,当天文台发出寒冷天气警告或酷热天气警告,该署也会设立临时避寒中心和晚间临时避暑中心。

These warnings also alert relevant government departments , such as the social welfare department and the home affairs department to consider the need to take actions , such as the distribution of blankets and the opening of temporary shelters
有关*部门,如社会福利署及民政事务总署等亦会因应天文台发出的警告而考虑作出适当行动,例如派发毛毯和开放 临时庇护 中心等。

These warnings also alert relevant government departments , such as the social welfare department and the home affairs department to consider the need to take actions , such as the distribution of blankets and the opening of temporary shelters
有关*部门,如社会福利署及民政事务总署等亦会因应天文台发出的警告而考虑作出适当行动,例如派发毛毯和开放 临时庇护 中心等。

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