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ear lobes造句 ear lobesの例文 "ear lobes"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-01 20:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 09:04

Most ear lobes extend below the lower point of attachment of the ear .

It slowly cpmbs onto tao zi's ear lobe

Cang p man places back the cockroach on his right ear lobe

Brown shelled eggs are proced by hens with red feathers and red ear lobes

White shelled eggs are proced by hens with white feathers and white ear lobes

Only its tail and right ear lobe are missing, apparently having been bitten off

ear lobe piercer

Haematomas of parable size were proced by subcutaneous injection of blood into both ear lobes of the animals followed by pression

Fingerprints, iris scans and even details of the way people walk, their scars and the size and shape of their ear lobes will be collected

In freezing weather, the exposed parts of the body such as the nose tip, ear lobes , cheeks and chin-may develop frostbites as the skin on them cools and the blood vessels bee constricted thus cutting off the blood supply to the area

It's difficult to see ear lobes in a sentence. 用 ear lobes 造句挺难的

In freezing weather, the exposed parts of the body such as the nose tip, ear lobes , cheeks and chin-may develop frostbites as the skin on them cools and the blood vessels bee constricted thus cutting off the blood supply to the area

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