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求英语作文We are what we read,就是网上百万同题的那个,要原创,300字以上

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-11 21:06



热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 20:15

We are what we read
After reading a master piece, I always feel that an original and fancy world opens before me.  Then I’ll lift my eyes from the book, up, up, on something faraway like the mountains or endless plain and begin to talk to myself softly. Then I would find in amazing that I’m talk with the tone of the author. More apparently, after I read All Men are Brothers for some while, my friends would ask:” Are you a time-traveler from some ancient dynasty?”
For a short run, reading materials indeed affect us both emotionally and customarily. When we read, we sink ourselves into the world created by the writer, we feel as he feels, we see what he sees, and we breathe as he does. In other words, we are of the same pace. There’s a saying that “After reading Tang poems for a thousand times and you can easily speak as a poet.” Imitating, that’s concisely how we learn a language and how we build our habit to express. Books are our teachers.
For a long run however, what we read determines what we receive. Experiences come from two ways: Things really happened on us and stories we are told. Undoubtedly we alts gain stories mainly from books. In the true world, when we face some new conditions or even accidents we never meet before, the experiences we’ve read before emerges naturally. They help us to think and make decisions subconsciously.
What’s more, there’s another angel to look at this statement. We choose books as we choose friends. Birds of a feather flock together, so does a book in your hands reflects you.
To sum up, books are mirrors, you use it to reflect yourself and see backward things which you can’t see with your naked eyes, while others may judge you from your mirror. It’s necessary to keep reminding yourself to read good staff and read with eager mind, you have what you read, you are what you read.追答看我写的多辛苦。采纳吧采纳吧


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